Yusuf | Transitional Justice, Judicial Accountability and the Rule of Law | Buch | 978-0-415-57535-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 216 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 485 g

Reihe: Transitional Justice


Transitional Justice, Judicial Accountability and the Rule of Law

Buch, Englisch, 216 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 485 g

Reihe: Transitional Justice

ISBN: 978-0-415-57535-5
Verlag: CRC Press

Transitional Justice, Judicial Accountability and the Rule of Law addresses the importance of judicial accountability in transitional justice processes. Despite a general consensus that the judiciary plays an important role in contemporary governance, accountability for the judicial role in formerly authoritarian societies remains largely elided and under-researched. Hakeem O. Yusuf argues that the purview of transitional justice mechanisms should, as a matter of policy, be extended to scrutiny of the judicial role in the past. Through a critical comparative approach that cuts through the transitioning experiences of post-authoritarian and post-conflict polities in Latin America, Asia, Europe and Africa, the book focuses specifically on Nigeria. It demonstrates that public accountability of the judiciary through the mechanism of a truth-seeking process is a necessary component in securing comprehensive accountability for the judicial role in the past. Transitional Justice, Judicial Accountability and the Rule of Law further shows that an across-the-board transformation of state institutions – an important aspiration of transitional processes – is virtually impossible without incorporating the third branch of government, the judiciary, into the accountability process.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction 1. The Case for Judicial Accountability in Transitions 2. Truth, Transition, and Accountability of the Judiciary 3. Political Change and Judicial Reform: An International and Comparative Perspective 4. Judicial Accountability in Political Transitions: The Nigerian Context 5. Rights, the Judiciary and Constitutionalism in Transitions 6. Transition and the Judicialization of Politics: Dialectics of a Phenomenon 7. Courts to the Rescue? The Judicialization of Politics in Nigeria. Conclusion

Hakeem O. Yusuf is a lecturer in Law at Queen's University, Belfast.

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