Zannoni | Respiration in Archaea and Bacteria | Buch | 978-90-481-6570-4 |

Buch, Englisch, Band 15, 328 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 195 mm x 260 mm, Gewicht: 743 g

Reihe: Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration


Respiration in Archaea and Bacteria

Diversity of Prokaryotic Electron Transport Carriers

Buch, Englisch, Band 15, 328 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 195 mm x 260 mm, Gewicht: 743 g

Reihe: Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration

ISBN: 978-90-481-6570-4
Verlag: Springer Netherlands

Respiration in Archaea and Bacteria summarizes the achievements of the past decade in the biochemistry, bioenergetics, structural and molecular biology of respiratory processes in selected groups of prokaryotes. It includes a series of Chapters providing an extensive coverage of the respiratory membrane-bound bacterial redox complexes and enzymes; it also covers evolution of respiration, cytochrome c biogenesis, bacterial haemoglobins, and oxidases as redox sensors.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Editorial.- Preface.- Color Plates.- 1. Evolution and Phylogenic Analysis of Respiration.- 2. NADH Dehydrogenase (NADH-Quinone Oxidoreductase).- 3. Bacterial Hydroquinone: Cytochrome c Oxidoreductases, Physiology, Structure and Function.- 4. Structure and Function of Succinate:Quinone Oxidoreductases and the Role of Quinol:Fumarate Reductases in Fumarate Respiration.- 5. Biochemical and Molecular Features of Terminal Oxidases.- 6. Structures of Bacterial Heme-Copper Oxidases.- 7. Functional Aspects of Heme-Copper Terminal Oxidases.- 8. The Na+- Translocating NADH-Quinone Reductase of Marine and Moderately Halophilic Bacteria.- 9. Microbial Molybdenum-Containing Enzymes in Respiration: Structural and Functional Aspects.- 10. The Pyrroloquinoline Quinone (PPQ)-Containing Dehydrogenases.- 11. Biogenesis of Cytochrome c.- 12. Bacterial Hemoglobins: Old Proteins with 'New' Functions? Roles in Respiratory and Nitric Oxide Metabolism.- 13. Oxidases as Redox Sensors in Pigment Synthesis.- Subject Index.- Species Index.- Gene and Gene Product Index.

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