Zvijáková / Zelenáková / Zelenáková | Using Risk Analysis for Flood Protection Assessment | Buch | 978-3-319-84833-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 128 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 2488 g

Zvijáková / Zelenáková / Zelenáková

Using Risk Analysis for Flood Protection Assessment

Buch, Englisch, 128 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 2488 g

ISBN: 978-3-319-84833-4
Verlag: Springer International Publishing

This book explores the benefits of using risk analysis techniques in the evaluation of flood protection structures, and examines the results of the environmental impact assessment for selected planned flood protection projects.
The objective of the book is to propose a methodology for environmental impact assessment in water management. In more detail, flood mitigation measures are investigated with the aim of selecting the best option for the approval process. This methodology is intended to streamline the process of environmental impact assessment for structures in the field of the water management.
The book’s environmental impact assessment system for water management structures analyzes the respective risks for different options. The results are intended to support the selection of future projects that pose minimum risks to the environment. Comparison of alternatives and designation of the optimal variant are implemented on the basis of selected criteria that objectively describe the characteristics of the planned alternatives and their respective impacts on the environment. The proposed Guideline for environmental impact assessment of flood protection objects employs multi-parametric risk analysis, a method intended to not only enhance the transparency and sensitivity of the evaluation process, but also successfully addresses the requirements of environmental impact assessment systems in the European Union. These modifications are intended to improve the outcomes of the environmental impact assessment, but may also be applied to other infrastructure projects. The case study proves that the primary aim – to improve transparency and minimize subjectivity in the environmental impact assessment process specific to flood protection structure projects – is met for the planned project in Kružlov, Slovakia.
Zvijáková / Zelenáková / Zelenáková Using Risk Analysis for Flood Protection Assessment jetzt bestellen!



Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction.- 1. Environmental impact assessment - State of the art.- 2. Risk analysis in impact assessment.- 3. Case study – flood protection measures in the Kružlov municipality.- 4. Conclusions and recommendations.- Appendices: description of individual parameters.

Martina Zelenáková currently serves as an Associate Professor at the Institute of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Košice. In the context of her scientific research activities she has focused on environmental impact assessment, water management, and the assessment of environmental risks in river basins in relation to flood events, drought and sources of pollution. The results of her work have been published in books, national and international journals, and national and international conferences proceedings. She has engaged in national and international projects, also as the principal investigator. Lenka Zvijáková received her degree in Environmental Engineering from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Technical University of Košice. The topic of her thesis was the application of risk analysis methods to the environmental impact assessment of water structures. The results of her work have been published in journals and proceedings. She has also cooperated in the preparation of environmental impact assessment reports on flood protection structures.

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