Abi-Saab / Keith / Marceau | Evolutionary Interpretation and International Law | Buch | 978-1-5099-2988-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 392 Seiten, Hardback, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 726 g

Abi-Saab / Keith / Marceau

Evolutionary Interpretation and International Law

Buch, Englisch, 392 Seiten, Hardback, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 726 g

ISBN: 978-1-5099-2988-7
Verlag: Hart Publishing

This unique book brings together leading experts from diverse areas of public international law to offer a comprehensive overview of the approaches to evolutionary interpretation in different international legal regimes. It begins by asking what interpretation is, offering the views of expert authors on the question, its components and definitions. It then comments on situations that have called for evolutionary interpretation in different international legal regimes, including general international law, environmental law, human rights law, EU law, investment law, international trade law, and how domestic courts have, on occasions, interpreted treaties and other international legal instruments in an evolutionary manner.
This timely, authoritative compendium offers an in-depth understanding of the processes at work in evolutionary interpretation as well as a prime selection of the current trends and future challenges.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. About the Book
Gabrielle Marceau and Clément Marquet
2. Introduction: A Meta-Question
Georges Abi-Saab

3. Evolutionary Interpretation in International Law: Some Short and Less than Trail-Blazing Reflections
Robert Kolb
4. An Interpreter's Guide to Static and Evolutive Interpretations: Solving Intertemporal Problems According to the VCLT
Christian Djeffal
5. Time Present and Time Past: The Intention of the Parties and the Evolutionary Interpretation of Treaties
Eirik Bjorge
6. Using Intertemporal Linguistics to Resolve the Problem at the Origin and Core of the Evolutionary Interpretation Debate
Julian Wyatt
7. Evolutionary Interpretation: The Relevance of Context
Donald McRae

8. Evolutionary Interpretation of International Law in National Courts
Kenneth Keith
9. The Interpretive Work of Treaty Bodies: How They Look at Evolutionary Interpretation, and How Other Courts Look at Them
Luigi Crema
10. Evolutionary Interpretation of Unilateral Acts of States and International Organisations
Paolo Palchetti

11. The Strength of Evolutionary Interpretation in International Human Rights Law
Gloria Gaggioli
12. The Strasbourg Approach to Evolutionary Interpretation
Oliver Dörr
13. Environmental Protection as an Object of and Tool for Evolutionary Interpretation
Nina Mileva and Marina Fortuna
14. The European Court of Human Rights and the Right to a Clean Environment: Evolutionary or Illusory Interpretation?
Malgosia Fitzmaurice
15. By Men, not Gods: The (Hidden) Evolutionary Interpretation of International Criminal Law in Light of Extrinsic Sources
Sévane Garibian

A. Systemic Approaches to Evolutionary Interpretation
16. Understanding the Choice for Evolutionary Interpretation
Isabelle Van Damme
17. The Illusion of 'Evolutionary Interpretation' in WTO Dispute Settlement
Graham Cook
18. Prospective Linguistics and Trade: The Art of the Deal
Clément Marquet
B. Evolutionary Interpretation in Practice
19. The Evolutionary Treaty Interpretation by the WTO Appellate Body
Sondre Torp Helmersen
20. Is there Evolution in the Evolutionary Interpretation of WTO Law?
Peter Van den Bossche
21. Evolutionary Interpretation and the Appellate Body's Existential Crisis
Mariana Clara de Andrade
22. Energy Trade in the WTO, Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow: The Role of Evolutionary Interpretation
Jenya Grigorova

23. Evolutionary Interpretation in Investment Arbitration: About a Judicial Taboo
Makane Moïse Mbengue and Aikaterini Florou
24. The Role of State Party Pleadings in the Evolutionary Interpretation of International Investment Agreements
Kendra Magraw
25. Investment Treaty Signatories' Joint Interpretation and the Case of the NAFTA Free Trade Commission: Evolutionary Interpretation or Modification?
Jennifer Radford, Gregory Tereposky and Kun Hui
26. History as Interpretative Context in the Evolutionary Interpretation of FET in International Investment Law 7
Charalampos Giannakopoulos and Malvika Monga

27. Articulating Evolutionary Interpretation and the Rule of Law: The EU as a Composite Legal Order Based on Relative Rules of Law
Nicolas Levrat
28. Multilingualism and the Dynamic Interpretation of European Union Law
Mattias Derlén

29. Conclusion
Kenneth Keith

Abi-Saab, Georges
Georges Abi-Saab is Honorary Professor at the Graduate Institute, Geneva, and former Chairman of the Appellate Body, World Trade Organization.

Marceau, Gabrielle
Gabrielle Marceau, Ph.D., is Senior Counsellor in the Legal Affairs Division of the WTO Secretariat. She joined the GATT Secretariat in September 1994. Her main function is to advise panellists in WTO disputes, the Director-General's Office, the Secretariat and WTO Members on WTO-related matters.

From September 2005 to January 2010, Mrs Marceau was legal advisor in the Cabinet of former WTO Director-General Pascal Lamy and from September 2016 to January 2017, she was acting director Officer in charge for LAD. Ms Marceau has advised panelists in more than 20 WTO panels proceedings involving several disputes.

Gabrielle Marceau is also Associate Professor at the Law Faculty of the University of Geneva; she has been Visiting Professor at the Graduate Institute in Geneva, the Sorbonne in Paris, Monash University in Melbourne, the World Trade Institute in Bern, and others. Professor Marceau is also involved with associations and groups promoting international law. Professor Marceau has published extensively in WTO law and international economic law. A selection of her publications can be found at http://www.unige.ch/droit/collaborateur/marceau-gabrielle/publications.html

Before joining the GATT Secretariat, Gabrielle Marceau, member of the Quebec/Canada Bar worked in private practice in Quebec, mainly in labour, insurance law and civil law.

Marquet, Clément
Clément Marquet is Research and Teaching Assistant at the Law Faculty, University of Geneva.

Keith, Kenneth
Kenneth Keith Professor Emeritus at the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, where he taught for more than 20 years, and a member of the Institut de Droit International.

Georges Abi-Saab is Honorary Professor at the Graduate Institute, Geneva, Switzerland, former Chairman of the Appellate Body, World Trade Organization and a member of the Institut de Droit International.
Kenneth Keith is Professor Emeritus at the Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand, former judge of the International Court of Justice and a member of the Institut de Droit International.
Gabrielle Marceau is Associate Professor at the Law Faculty, University of Geneva, Switzerland and Senior Counsellor, Legal Affairs, World Trade Organization.
Clément Marquet is a PhD candidate at the University of Geneva, Faculty of Law.

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