acatech | Cyber-Physical Systems | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 48 Seiten, eBook


acatech Cyber-Physical Systems

Driving force for innovations in mobility, health, energy and production

E-Book, Englisch, 48 Seiten, eBook


ISBN: 978-3-642-29090-9
Verlag: Springer
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 1 - PDF Watermark

Today, about 98 percent of microprocessors are already embedded in everyday objects and devices, connected with the outside world through sensors and actuators. They are increasingly networked with one another and on the internet. The physical world and the virtual world - or cyberspace - are merging; cyber-physical systems are developing.Future cyber-physical systems will contribute to security, efficiency, comfort and the health systems as never before, and as a result, they will contribute to solving key challenges of our society, such as the aging population, limited resources, mobility, or energy transition. Germany is in the position to become a leader in international competition thanks to innovative cyber-physical systems. In this statement, acatech explains what prerequisites must be created and how Germany can overcome the technical, political and social hurdles on the way to achieving this position.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Summary.- Project.- Caber-Physical Systems - Changing Economy and Society.- Cyper-Physical Systems - Merging the Physical and Virtual Worlds.- Future Potential of Caber-Physical Systems - 2025.- Challenges for Germany arising from Cyber-Physical Systems.- Theses on the Development of Cyber-Physical Systems in Germany.- Recommendations for Action.- Appendix.- Literature.

acatech - the GERMAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING - represents the interests of German sciences and technology in Germany and abroad. As a working academy, acatech supports policy makers and society with technically qualified evaluations and far-sighted recommendations.

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