Aloqaily | Cross Country Pipeline Risk Assessments and Mitigation Strat | Buch | 978-0-12-816007-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 198 Seiten, Format (B × H): 228 mm x 149 mm, Gewicht: 328 g


Cross Country Pipeline Risk Assessments and Mitigation Strat

Buch, Englisch, 198 Seiten, Format (B × H): 228 mm x 149 mm, Gewicht: 328 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-816007-7
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Cross Country Pipeline Risk Assessments and Mitigation Strategies describes the process of pipeline risk management and hazard identification, using qualitative risk assessment, consequence modeling/evaluation, pipeline failure rates, and risk calculations, as well as risk mitigation and control strategies. The book evaluates potential causes of pipeline failure in the oil and gas industry based on a wide range of data that cover more than 40 years of operating history. Additionally, it details a consistent approach that allows for proper estimation of potential risk and offers methods for mitigating this potential risk. This approach is then combined with consequence modeling to fully calculate the different forms of risk presented by pipelines. Cross Country Pipeline Risk Assessments and Mitigation Strategies is an essential resource for professionals and experts involved in pipeline design as well as researchers and students studying risk assessment, particularly in relation to pipelines.
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Professionals and experts involved in pipeline design and risk assessment working oil and gas and petrochemical industries; university researchers and students studying risk management and assessments in general and pipeline risk assessment in particular


Weitere Infos & Material

1. Background and Historic Perspective2. Identification of Hazards Associated with Pipelines3. Introduction to Pipeline Risk Assessments4. Consequence Modeling5. Pipeline Failure Mode and Frequency6. Pipeline Quantitative Risk Assessment7. Pipeline Process Safety Management

Aloqaily, Arafat
Dr. Arafat Aloqaily is an internationally recognized expert in process safety and risk management with over 20 years of academic and industrial experience from the Middle East, Europe, and North America. He is an author, keynote speaker, and regular presenter in safety events with track record of achievements in this field. His expertise covers chemical processes, petrochemical, oil and gas industries. Dr. Aloqaily has authored and coauthored several papers and made several seminars on process safety and risk management topics. He has written best practices, and developed tools to streamline and simplify risk assessments and evaluation. Dr. Aloqaily also has special interest in developing probabilistic models for risk assessments, such as the work presented in this book on pipeline integrity and failure mode assessments. He also developed and delivered training courses on risk assessment and management. In addition, Dr. Aloqaily has chaired Safety conferences in different parts of the world, and led panel discussions on relevant issues. He served on technical and steering committees of relevant safety professional and academic organizations. Dr. Aloqaily has a Master Degree in Process Engineering and PhD in Chemical Engineering with focus on dispersion of multiphase clouds and aerodynamics of confined jets/flames. Dr. Aloqaily is certified in risk management, functional safety, and Lean Six Sigma practices.

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