Ankersen | Civil-Military Relations | Buch | 978-1-138-21179-7 |

Buch, Englisch, 208 Seiten, Format (B × H): 174 mm x 246 mm


Civil-Military Relations

Theories, Politics, and Practices

Buch, Englisch, 208 Seiten, Format (B × H): 174 mm x 246 mm

ISBN: 978-1-138-21179-7
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd

This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to field of civil-military relations.

Civil-military relations is a challenging, and increasingly, topical subject of study. Exactly how civil and military actors relate affects how states apply the use of force in domestic and international affairs. This textbook provides an overview of the theories and politics of civil-military relations and is split into five parts:

- Part I: Armed Forces and the State

- Part II: Theories of Civil-Military Relations

- Part III: Socio-Cultural Understandings of Civil-Military Relations

- Part IV: Civil Military Relations in Practice

- Part V: Civil-Military Relations in the Age of Risk.

The work introduces the historical and conceptual relationship between the armed forces and the state, the evolution and the range of theories of civil-military relations, the socio-cultural aspects of the civil-military relationship and how civil-military relations is practised in a variety of states.

This textbook will be essential reading for students of Civil-Military Relations and Military Studies, and of great interest to students of Sociology, Defence Studies, International Security, and IR in general.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction

PART I: Armed Forces and the State

2. The Relationship Between Armed Force and the Development of the Modern State

3. The Relationship Between Political Objective and Armed Force

PART II: Theories of Civil-Military Relations

4. First Generation Theories of Civil-Military Relations: Control

5. Alternate Theories of Civil-Military Relations: Management

6. Second Generation Theories on Civil-Military Relations: Governance

PART III: Socio-Cultural Understandings of Civil-Military Relations

7. Armed Forces and Society

8. Strategic Culture

PART IV: Civil Military Relations in Practice

9. The United States: The Post-Cold War ‘Gap’ Crises

10. The UK: The Covenant and the Cost of the Wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

11. China and India: Inscrutable Dragon vs Waking Tiger

12. Canada and Denmark: Civil Military Relations in so-called ‘Warless States’

13. Myanmar and Thailand: Military Rule in 21st Century Southeast Asia

14. South Africa and Nigeria: Harnessing military power

15. Japan and Germany: Civil Military Relations and the Shadows of 1945

16. Egypt and Israel: Very different neighbours

17. Argentina and Venezuela: Two roads diverging

PART V: Civil-Military Relations in the Age of Risk

18. Civil-Military Relations and the War on Terror

19. Warriors and Weapon systems: Whither the hero?

20. Civil-Military Relations in the Age of Risk

Christopher Ankersen is Adjunct/Sessional instructor at Royal Military College, LSE, King’s College London, Carleton University, Royal Roads University, London Centre for International Relations. He is author/editor of The Politics of Civil-Military Cooperation (2014), Civil-Military Cooperation in Post-Conflict Operations (Routledge, 2007), and Understanding Global Terrorism (2007).

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