BarBier/Burgess | The Economics of the Tropical Timber Trade | Buch | 978-1-85383-219-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 192 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 279 mm, Gewicht: 280 g


The Economics of the Tropical Timber Trade

Buch, Englisch, 192 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 279 mm, Gewicht: 280 g

ISBN: 978-1-85383-219-2
Verlag: CRC Press

There is genuine cause for concern over the excessive exploitation of tropical forest in many regions, but also many misconceptions about the causes and sources of thisexploitation.The Economics of the Tropical Timber Trade provides a detailed analysis of the economic linkages between the trade and forest degradation. Based on a report prepared for the ITTO, it looks at current and future market conditions and assesses the impacts on tropical forests of both the international timber trade and domestic demand. The authors examine the causes of deforestation and compare the environmental impacts of the timber trade with other factors, such as the conversion of the forest to agriculture. Finally, they assess the national and international trade policy options and discuss the potential role that interventions in the international timber trade may have in promoting efficient and sustainable use of forest resources.This book is of interest to those concerned with forest management and policy, trade and environment, and with the economics of conservation and resource use.
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Weitere Infos & Material

IntroductionTropical Forest Resources and International Trade The Status of Forest Resources Changes in Forest Resources Production and Trade Future Trends in Supply and Demand Conclusions and Policy ImplicationsThe Timber Trade and Tropical Deforestation Is Deforestation an Economic Problem? Trade as an Incentive for Forest Management Environmental Impacts of Timber Production The Links between Trade and Deforestation ConclusionsThe Market for Tropical Timber Products Industrialized Countries Tropical Developing Countries Consumer Prices, Substitution and Demand ConclusionsTropical Forest Policies and The EnvironmentDomestic Market and Policy The Effect on Forest Management Concessions and Property Rights Forest Pricing and Its Administration Macro-Economic Policy ConclusionTrade Interventions in Exporting Countries Restrictions by Exporting Countries The Impact of Export Restrictions Trade Liberalization by Exporting Countries Domestic Environmental Policy ConclusionTrade Interventions in Importing Countries Restrictions by Importing Countries The Impact of Import Restrictions Trade Liberalization by Importing Countries Impacts of Environmental Regulation by Importing Countries ConclusionsMeasures for the Sustainable Use of Forests Identifying and Assessing Options The Feasibility of Unilateral Interventions The Feasibility of Multilateral Interventions ConclusionsAssessment of Trade Policy Options Do Nothing Measures to Alter the Pattern of Trade Raising Revenues for Sustainable Forest Management Certification ConclusionsEpilogue, References, IndexIndex

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