Bem | Calvinism in the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth 1548-1648 | Buch | 978-90-04-42481-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 322 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 683 g

Reihe: St Andrews Studies in Reformation History


Calvinism in the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth 1548-1648

The Churches and the Faithful

Buch, Englisch, 322 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 235 mm, Gewicht: 683 g

Reihe: St Andrews Studies in Reformation History

ISBN: 978-90-04-42481-4
Verlag: Brill

Calvinism in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1548–1648 offers an in-depth history of the Reformed Churches in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in their first hundred years. Kazimierz Bem analyses church polity, liturgy, the practices of Calvinist church discipline and piety, and the reasons for conversion to and from Calvinism in all strata of the society.

Drawing on extensive research in primary sources, Bem challenges the dominant narrative of Protestant decline after 1570 and argues for a continued flourishing of Calvinism in the Commonwealth until the 1630s.
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Weitere Infos & Material


Name and Place Conventions

Timeline of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth

Maps and Illustrations


The Commonwealth in the Age of the Reformation

1 Introduction

2 The Land of Many Sects

2.1 The People and Their Religions

2.2 The Territories and Their Governance

2.3 The Reformation in Poland and Lithuania before 1548


The Reformed Churches

3 Church Polity

3.1 The Early Years: 1548–1595

3.2 Growing Together: 1595–1630s

3.3 The 1634 Wlodawa General Convocation and Its Aftermath

4 The Liturgy

4.1 The Early Years 1550–1595

4.2 Krainski’s Forma of 1599 and the 1601 Agenda in Lesser Poland

4.3 Liturgical Developments in the Greater Poland Brethren Churches

4.4 Reformed Liturgy in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania 1550–1621

4.5 Toward a Unified Reformed Liturgy in Poland and Lithuania

5 Church Discipline

5.1 Theological Background of Reformed Church Discipline before 1634

5.2 The Practice of Reformed Church Discipline before 1634

5.3 Reformed Church Discipline after the 1634 Wlodawa Convocation

6 The Ministry

7 Patterns of Piety


The Reformed Faithful

8 The Nobles Convert

9 A Few Sheep Are Better than a Herd of Pigs

10 Calvinists in Royal Towns

11 Calvinist Fishing in Lutheran Waters

12 “Most Fanatical Champions of Their Perfidious Dogmas”— Women and Calvinism in the Commonwealth

13 The Ambiguity of Numbers

14 Conclusion



Kazimierz Bem, Ph.D. (2007, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), is pastor of First Church in Marlborough (Congregational) UCC in Massachusetts, USA. He received his M.Div. and S.T.M. degrees from Yale Divinity School in 2010 and 2012. He is the author of many articles on Calvinism in Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and the book Biographical Dictionary of Reformed Clergy. Pastors and Deaconess of the Lesser Poland and Warsaw Consistory 1815–1939 (Wydawnictwo Naukowe Semper, 2015).

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