Berg / Hudson / Sonenscher | Manufacture in Town and Country Before the Factory | Buch | 978-0-521-24820-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 222 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 228 mm, Gewicht: 425 g

Berg / Hudson / Sonenscher

Manufacture in Town and Country Before the Factory

Buch, Englisch, 222 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 228 mm, Gewicht: 425 g

ISBN: 978-0-521-24820-4
Verlag: Cambridge University Press

The internal organisation of production before the development of the factory system is still shrouded in historical mystery. How goods were made before machines, how work was organised before the factory system, how artisans and labourers perceived and lived their work are questions to which we have only hesitant and tentative answers. Hitherto, historians have been too concerned with the emerging features of the modern industrial capitalist order to seek to understand how another and different economy and community worked in its own terms. The essays in this book are intended to begin to remedy this neglect.
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Weitere Infos & Material

List of illustrations; Acknowledgements; 1. Manufacture in town and country before the factory Maxine Berg, Pat Hudson and Michael Sonenscher; 2. Political economy and the principles of manufacture 1700–1800 Maxine Berg; Part I. The Structure of Manufacture: 3. Variations in industrial structure in pre-industrial Languedoc J. K. J. Thomson; 4. Seasonal fluctuations and social division of labour: rural linen production in the Osnabrück and Bielefeld regions and the urban woollen industry in the Niederlausitz, c.1770–c.1850 Jürgen Schlumbohm; 5. From manor to mill: the West Riding in transition Pat Hudson; Part II. 'Work' and 'Wages': 6. Work and wages in Paris in the eighteenth century Michael Sonenscher; 7. Embezzlement, industry and the law in England, 1500–1800 John Styles; Index.

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