Birks | Global Cash Management in Europe | Buch | 978-1-349-14664-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 261 Seiten, Format (B × H): 136 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 377 g


Global Cash Management in Europe

Buch, Englisch, 261 Seiten, Format (B × H): 136 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 377 g

ISBN: 978-1-349-14664-2
Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

The single European Market, the Second Banking Directive, relaxation of cross-border capital and funds movements and the possible introduction of a single European currency have led most corporations to adopt new cash management strategies, or to plan for major structural changes in the near future. This book focuses upon treasury and electronic banking practices in European Cash Management. It is based upon research done by 19 leading European Business Schools and practitioners involved in planning, gathering and analysing data and will include discussion of recent themes and issues.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Global Cash - Europe 96; D. Middleton Security of Computerised Cash Management; T. de Caux & A. Walsh Development Prospects in International Cash Management: What Future for the Corporate Bank; W. Gerke, G. Pfeufer-Kinnel & A. Burrak Foreign Bank Entry into the Cash Management Markets of Central and Eastern Europe; S. Scott-Green The Management of International Cash Transactions and Associated Foreign Exchange Transactions: A Comparative Study of Practices in the UK, Sweden, Scandinavia and Europe; G. Bergendahl & A. Birts Cash Management Market Segmentation; D. Birks & A. Birts Choosing a Cash Management Bank: Customer Criteria and Bank Strategies; P.N.D. Bukh, N.P. Mols & P. Blenker Choosing a Domestic Cash Management Bank; D. Birks & A. Birts Customer Relationships: Virtual Banking and Cash Management Services in Italy; E. Gualandri & A. Omarini Service Quality in Domestic Cash Management Banks; D. Birks & A. Birts Service Quality in an International Cash Management Environment; G. Senum & D. Birks Quality and Duration of Bank Relationships; S. Ongena & D. Smith Researching Cash Management, Treasury and Electronic Banking Practices; D. Birks

GORAN BERGENDAHL is Professor of Business Administration and Dean of the School of Economics and Commercial Law at Goteborg University in Sweden
ANTHONY BIRTS is Lecturer in Finance and Director of Studies on the full-time MBA programme at the School of Management, University of Bath, UK
PER BLENKER is Assistant Professor of Marketing at the School of Economics and Management, University of Aarhus in Denmark
PER NIKOLAJ BUKH teaches at the Aarhus School of Business in Denmark
ALEXANDER BURRAK has worked for a number of German banks and the Baden-Wurttemberg Agency for International Economic Co-operation as well as for the Treasury and Cash Management function of the Siemens Coordination Centre in Brussels
TONY DE CAUX is a senior consultant with The Bank Relationship Consultancy in Bishopsgate, London, UK
WOLFGANG GERKE is Professor of Banking and Stock Exchange Issues at the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg in Germany. He is also Research Professor at the Central Institute for European Economic Research
ELISABETTA GUALANDRI is Associate Professor of Financial Intermediaries at the University of Modena in Italy
DAVID MIDDLETON advises on banking strategy and market research at The Bank Relationship Consultancy in Bishopsgate, London, UK
NIELS PETER MOLS is Assistant Professor of Marketing at the School of Economics and Management, University of Aarhus, Denmark
ANNA OMARINI is Lecturer at the Institute of Banking and Finance at Bocconi University, Italy
STEVEN ONGENAis Associate Professor of Banking in the Norwegian School of Management
GABRIELE PFEUFER-KINNEL is Research Assistant at the Chair of Banking and Finance at the University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Germany
SUSAN SCOTT-GREEN is ESRC Management Research Fellow at the Centre for International Business, University of Leeds, UK
GUNNAR SENUM works in cash management with Den Norske Bank, Norway's largest financial institution
DAVID C. SMITH is Associate Professor of Finance at the Norwegian School of Management
CYRIL TOMKINS is Professor of Business Finance at the University of Bath, UK
ANTHONY WALSH is Professor of Accounting and Dean at Dublin City University Business School, Ireland

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