Body-Gendrot | The Social Control of Cities? | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 328 Seiten, E-Book

Reihe: Studies in Urban and Social Change

Body-Gendrot The Social Control of Cities?

A Comparative Perspective

E-Book, Englisch, 328 Seiten, E-Book

Reihe: Studies in Urban and Social Change

ISBN: 978-0-470-71253-5
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

In this ground-breaking study, Sophie Body-Gendrot provides a comparative analysis of the growing problem of new forms of poverty and social marginalisation in contemporary advanced societies.
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Weitere Infos & Material

List of Figures.
List of Tables.
Series Preface.
Introductions: Tolerance and Suppression..
Part I: The Politics of Depacification.
Economic Globalization and Urban Unrest.
Law-Enforcement in the USA.
Solidarity and Social Prevention in France..
Part II. The Politics of Reconciliation.
Managing Polarization: New York and Chicago.
Managing Polarization: Paris, Marseilles, and Lyons.
Conclusion: The Social Control of Cities?.

Sophie Body-Gendrot is a CNRS researcher and a professorof political science and American studies at the Sorbonne and theInstitute of Political Science in Paris. Her research focuses oncomparative public, urban unrest, ethnic and racial issues andcitizen participation. Among her books are Ville et Violence(1993), The Urban Moment (1999, edited with R. Beauregard)and a taskforce report written with N. Le Guennec on urban violencefor the French Home Secretary in 1998.

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