Bartlett / O'Connor | Broadening the dementia debate | Buch | 978-1-84742-178-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 240 Seiten, HC gerader Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 175 mm x 250 mm, Gewicht: 482 g

Bartlett / O'Connor

Broadening the dementia debate

Buch, Englisch, 240 Seiten, HC gerader Rücken kaschiert, Format (B × H): 175 mm x 250 mm, Gewicht: 482 g

ISBN: 978-1-84742-178-4
Verlag: Policy Press

Dementia has been widely debated from the perspectives of biomedicine and social psychology. This book broadens the debate to consider the experiences of men and women with dementia from a sociopolitical perspective. It brings to the fore the concept of social citizenship, exploring what it means within the context of dementia and using it to re-examine the issue of rights, status(es), and participation. Most importantly, the book offers fresh and practical insights into how a citizenship framework can be applied in practice. It will be of interest to health and social care professionals, policy makers, academics and researchers and people with dementia and family carers may find it revitalising.
Bartlett / O'Connor Broadening the dementia debate jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Part one: Citizenship in theory: Introduction; Setting the context for broadening the debate; The meaning and value of social citizenship; Part two: Social citizenship in action: Thinking and talking differently; Implications for health and social care practices; Extending research practices; Part three: Combining theory and practice: Conclusion: working towards social citizenship.

Ruth Bartlett is a Senior Lecturer in Dementia Studies at the University of Bradford. She is course leader for the BSc in Dementia Studies and teaches on the MSc in Dementia Studies.
Deborah O'Connor is Director of the Center for Research on Personhood in Dementia (CRPD) and Professor in the School of Social Work at the University of British Columbia. She has practiced in the field of dementia as a social worker, educator and researcher for nearly thirty years.

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