Bruce | Rights and Duties of Directors | Buch | 978-1-84766-324-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 670 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 234 mm


Rights and Duties of Directors

Buch, Englisch, 670 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 234 mm

ISBN: 978-1-84766-324-5
Verlag: Bloomsbury

Covers the developments which arise from the 1 October 2009 implementation of provisions in the Companies Act 2006

The new, 10th edition of Rights and Duties of Directors is a highly practical and comprehensive publication relevant to all company directors and their advisers. It clearly explains the rights and powers of directors and their specific duties as prescribed by company law and legislation.

The new edition will cover the following main developments which mainly arise from the 1 October 2009 implementation of provisions in the Companies Act 2006:

1.Ability of directors to have a ‘service address’ on the public record.
2.Protection of information concerning a director’s residential address.
3.Suppression of residential address information currently on public record.
4.Share and share capital changes.
5.A new company names adjudicator.

As well as changes derived from CA 2006, the new 10th edition will also include:

1.Changes to reflect updates in employment regulations and best practice, for example repeal of the statutory disciplinary and grievance procedure by the Employment Act 2008 and amendment of flexible working rights for employees.
2.Relevant information from the Shareholders Rights Directive.
3.An update on corporate governance, in particular changes emanating from the FSA’s Walker Review.
4.Updates in case law, for example the first prosecution under new corporate manslaughter legislation.
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Company directors, company secretaries, HR professionals and company law practitioners


Weitere Infos & Material

The nature of office of director
Directors, the Board and the company secretary
Directors' rights
Statutory statement of directors' general duties
Breach of duty by a director
Statutory duties of directors
Accounting and financial responsibilities of directors
Directors' duties and the shareholders
Directors' duties and the public company
Directors and corporate governance
Directors' duties and employment issues
Directors' duties and the environment
Duties and the customer
Directors, creditors and insolvency

Martha Bruce is a partner at David Venus and Co.

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