DNA Repair | Buch | 978-0-12-817396-1 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 354 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 680 g

DNA Repair

Buch, Englisch, 354 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 680 g

ISBN: 978-0-12-817396-1

DNA Repair, Volume 45 in The Enzymes series highlights new advances in the field, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters on DNA polymerase beta and other gap-filling enzymes in mammalian base excision repair, Translesion polymerases, mechanism and function, The Rev1-Pol? Mutasome: Structure and Interactions in Translesion Synthesis, Challenges for base excision repair enzymes: acquiring access to damaged DNA in chromatin Nucleotide excision repair, DNA damage recognition mechanisms in mammalian nucleotide excision repair, Advances in understanding DNA mismatch repair, and more.
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Specialists in the field of Enzymes

Weitere Infos & Material

1. DNA polymerase beta and other gap-filling enzymes in mammalian base excision repair William A. Beard and Samuel H. Wilson 2. Challenges for base excision repair enzymes: Acquiring access to damaged DNA in chromatin Chuxuan Li and Sarah Delaney 3. Damage removal and gap filling in nucleotide excision repair Michael G. Kemp 4. Mechanism and regulation of DNA damage recognition in mammalian nucleotide excision repair Kaoru Sugasawa 5. The Rev1-Pol? translesion synthesis mutasome: Structure, interactions and inhibition Alessandro A. Rizzo and Dmitry M. Korzhnev 6. Contacts and context that regulate DNA helicase unwinding and replisome progression Himasha M. Perera, Megan S. Behrmann, Joy M. Hoang, Wezley C. Griffin and Michael A. Trakselis 7. Iron-sulfur clusters in nucleic acid metabolism: Varying roles of ancient cofactors Yara Khodour, Laurie S. Kaguni and Johnny Stiban 8. Enzymology of mitochondrial DNA repair Rebeca R. Alencar, Caio M.P.F. Batalha, Thiago S. Freire and Nadja C. Souza-Pinto 9. Mechanism of DNA primer synthesis by human PrimPol Luis Blanco, Patricia A. Calvo, Alberto Diaz-Talavera, Gustavo Carvalho, Nieves Calero, Ana Martínez-Carrón, Cristina Velázquez-Ruiz, Sabina Villadangos, Susana Guerra and María I. Martínez-Jiménez 10. Mitochondrial DNA degradation: A quality control measure for mitochondrial genome maintenance and stress response Linlin Zhao

Zhao, Linlin
Linlin Zhao is at University of California, Riverside, USA

Kaguni, Laurie S.
Laurie S. Kaguni is at Michigan State University, MI, USA

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