Greenwald | EMDR Within a Phase Model of Trauma-Informed Treatment | Buch | 978-1-138-16871-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 272 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 453 g


EMDR Within a Phase Model of Trauma-Informed Treatment

Buch, Englisch, 272 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 453 g

ISBN: 978-1-138-16871-8
Verlag: CRC Press

A practical guide to learning and using EMDR Trauma is a potential source of most types of emotional or behavioral problems. Extensive research has shown EMDR to be an effective and efficient trauma treatment. EMDR Within a Phase Model of Trauma-Informed Treatment offers mental health professionals an accessible plain-language guide to this popular and successful method. The book also introduces the ?Fairy Tale Model? as a way to understand and remember the essential phases of treatment and the tasks in each phase.

This manual teaches a clear rationale and a systematic approach to trauma-informed treatment, including often-neglected elements of treatment that are essential to preparing clients for EMDR. The reader is led step by step through the treatment process, with scripted hands-on exercises to learn each skill. In addition to presenting the fundamental EMDR procedures, EMDR Within a Phase Model of Trauma-Informed Treatment teaches a treatment system that can be applied to a variety of cases. Using research-supported and proven-effective methods, this book takes you through the treatment process with easily-understood dialogues and examples. Explicitly guided exercises produce hands-on skills and familiarize you with ways to explain trauma to clients and prepare them for EMDR. You will also learn to problem-solve challenging cases using the trauma framework. EMDR Within a Phase Model of Trauma-Informed Treatment also includes an Instructor’s Manual with: - sample syllabus - teaching tips - PowerPoint slides - test bank.Additional discussions address: - why trauma matters - posttraumatic symptoms - the ?trauma wall? - the structure of trauma treatment - the role of EMDR - the eight phases of EMDR - preparing clients for EMDR - legal and medical issues in EMDR - problem solving strategies in EMDR sessions - treatment strategies for a variety of presenting problems - using EMDR with children and adolescents - use and application of the ?fairy tale model? - on-line and digital resourcesDesigned to be a comprehensive primer, companion/supplemental textbook, and valuable reference resource, EMDR Within a Phase Model of Trauma-Informed Treatment is ideal for clinicians already trained in EMDR, those actively learning EMDR, and mental health professionals interested in EMDR. Note that to practice EMDR requires formal supervised training.
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Professional Practice & Development


Weitere Infos & Material

- Acknowledgments - Introduction - SECTION I: TRAUMA-INFORMED TREATMENT AND EMDR - Chapter 1. Understanding Trauma - Why Trauma Matters - A Useful Definition of Trauma - What Makes an Event Traumatic? - The ?Trauma Wall? - Resiliency and Vulnerability - Safety and Attachment - Posttraumatic Symptoms - Posttraumatic Symptoms over Time - A Note on Exercises/Activities in this Book - Exercise: Float-Back - Chapter 2. The Structure of Trauma Treatment - Meaning of Behavior - Selecting a Trauma Treatment Structure - Chapter 3. The Role of EMDR - Exposure - EMDR - Adaptive Information Processing Theory - The EMDR Protocol: The Eight Phases of Treatment - EMDR and Other Therapy Approaches - EMDR and the Fairy Tale Model - SECTION II: PHASE 1?CLIENT HISTORY AND TREATMENT PLANNING - Chapter 4. The Initial Interview: From ?Hello? to History - Acculturation - Therapist Style - Introducing Treatment - The Rules - Individual Interview Strategies - How Much Should the Client Talk? - Obtaining More History While Focusing on Strengths - Chapter 5. Taking a Trauma History - Exercise: Take a Trauma/Loss History - Exercise Follow-Up Questions - Chapter 6. Trauma-Informed Case Formulation - Exercise: Do It Yourself - Chapter 7. Making a Treatment Contract - Motivation Enhancement - Finding the Princess - Treatment Planning and Contracting - Presenting the Treatment Plan - Obstacles to Following Through with the Contract - SECTION III: PHASE 2?CLIENT PREPARATION - Chapter 8. Safety and Stabilization - Avoiding High Risk - How Long Does Fence-Around Take? - Clients in Perpetual Crisis - Routines for Starting and Ending the Session - Fence-Around in the Session - Chapter 9. Resource Development and Installation - Introducing Eye Movements - Exercise: Practice Eye Movements - The Safe Place Visualization - Exercise: Safe Place - Safe Place Script - Problem Solving the Safe Place Intervention - Resource Development and Installation - Exercise: Resource Development and Installation - Exercise: Using the Resource in a Positive Template - Chapter 10. Self-Management Training - Self-Management of Anxiety Symptoms - Self-Control of Behavioral Choices - Choices Have Consequences - Exercise: Map Out a Problem - Chapter 11. Precautions for EMDR - Legal Issues - Medical Issues - Self-Control Issues - Secondary Gain - Timing - Dissociation - Dissociative Experiences Scale (DES) Information - Chapter 12. Final Preparations for EMDR - Reorient to the Treatment Plan - Target Order - Introducing EMDR - Accessing Resources - Exercise: Stop Means Stop and Safety Device - Stop Means Stop - Safety Device - Discussion - SECTION IV: PHASES 3-8?TRAUMA RESOLUTION - Chapter 13. Phase 3: Assessment, or ?Setting Up the Target? - Exercise: Practice Target Setup - Discussion - Chapter 14. Phases 4 to 5: Desensitization and Installation - Preparing the Client - Doing the Eye Movements (EM) - Some Tips and Reminders - Exercise: Practice EMDR - Discussion - Chapter 15. Phases 6 to 7: Body Scan and Closure - Body Scan - Checks on Completion - Closure - Exercise: Container - Discussion Questions - Closure for All Sessions - Exercise: Practice EMDR - Chapter 16. Phase 8: Reevaluation and Consolidation of Gains - Reevaluation - Exercise: Reevaluation - Using the Float-Back - Exercise: Float Back and EMDR - Consolidation of Gains - Other Aspects of Daily Functioning - Anticipating and Preparing for Future Challenges - Ending Treatment - SECTION V: ADVANCED EMDR APPLICATIONS - Chapter 17. Problem Solving in an EMDR Session - When the Client Is Stuck - Other Challenges and Strategies

Ricky Greenwald

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