Encarnación-Pinedo | Beat Myths in Literature | Buch | 978-1-032-12131-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 200 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 440 g

Reihe: Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature


Beat Myths in Literature

Revisionist Strategies in Beat Women

Buch, Englisch, 200 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 440 g

Reihe: Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature

ISBN: 978-1-032-12131-4
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Beat Myths in Literature reassesses the work of women poets associated with the Beat Generation from the critical lens of revisionist discourses. Using the metaphor and the critical lens of looking back, an act infused with feminist implications after Adrienne Rich (1972), the volume focuses on poetry, fiction, and autobiographical writing to analyze the different ways in which Beat women used revisionist discourses to refashion the Beat Generation and establish themselves as literary and artistic subjects. Offering the first comprehensive study of the use of mythology in the Beat Generation, Beat Myths in Literature: Revisionist Strategies in Beat Women focuses on the specific re-writing or revisioning of mythical texts. As such, it studies the ways in which Beat poets incorporate mythology into their works, both through the feminist reinvention or appropriation of ancient myths, but also by debunking more contemporary myths used to contain women in particular social and artistic roles. Furthermore, this volume expands Rich’s notion of re-vision, considering memoirs and autobiographies as factual and fictional re-interpretations of history. Seen through the eyes of revisionist studies and the poets’ investment in “personal myth”, the book establishes new points of entrance into works that allow us to explore the feminist, political, and poetical relevance of the work of Beat women
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Postgraduate and Undergraduate Advanced

Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1: The Art of Looking Back

Myth and the Beat Generation

When Women Look Back: Political and Aesthetic Considerations

Chapter 2: Joanne Kyger and the Subversion of Discourse

Reevaluation of Female Passivity: Genre Considerations

Uses of Myth and the Mythologizing of the Self

Poet as Editor

Chapter 3: Diane di Prima’s Feral Epic Revisionism

Constructing Loba: Some Images

Goddess in a Patriarchal World

Revision and Appropriation: The Mythic and Mystic Discourses

Chapter 4: Anne Waldman and the Scope of Jove

The Gender/Genre Debate: Epic and Female Experience

Dismantling Jove: Poet as Archivist

Myth and the Androgynous Position

Chapter 5: Memoir and the Beat Chick

Beat Chick and the Female Body

The Reversal and Perpetuation of Gender Roles: Independence and Marriage

Beatnik Motherhood: Myths and Realities

Chapter 6: Memoir and Writing (the) Beat

Why memoir? Some Genre Considerations

Writing (in) the Memoirs

Beat Generation Revisited: Stylistic Considerations

Coda: Expansive Revisionism

Estíbaliz Encarnación-Pinedo holds a PhD in postwar American literature from the University of Murcia (Spain) and is currently a lecturer and researcher in the Department of Modern Languages at Polytechnic University of Cartagena, Murcia. Her research focuses on gender and feminism in postwar and avant-garde American poetry. She is co-editor of ruth weiss: Beat Poetry, Jazz, Art (2021), and has published journal articles and book chapters on Beat women and Beat-related poets such as Anne Waldman, ruth weiss, Harold Norse, Diane di Prima, or Joanne Kyger.

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