Erbele-Küster / Küster | Between Pandemonium and Pandemethics | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, Band 27, 220 Seiten

Reihe: Contact Zone

Erbele-Küster / Küster Between Pandemonium and Pandemethics

Responses to Covid-19 from Theology and Religions

E-Book, Englisch, Band 27, 220 Seiten

Reihe: Contact Zone

ISBN: 978-3-374-07082-4
Verlag: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: 1 - PDF Watermark

This volume brings together contextual and intercultural responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic from theological and interreligious perspectives. It searches for models of interpretation provided by religious traditions and their sacred texts, and the ethical guidance religious communities offer for coping with the pandemic. The authors explore imaginative ways that transcend the New Normal towards a »Pantopia« that does not return to the pitfalls of the Old Normal but tackles the injustices that the virus has revealed in the current Pandemonium. They strive to enable their readers to react to the glocal pandemic and its aftermath theologically informed by intercultural and interreligious perspectives.

[Zwischen Pandämonium und Pandemie. Antworten auf Covid-19 in Theologie und Religion]
Der Band vereint kontextuelle und interkulturelle Reaktionen auf die Covid-19-Pandemie aus theologischer und interreligiöser Perspektive. Er sucht nach Interpretationsmustern, die religiöse Traditionen und ihre heiligen Schriften hervorgebracht haben und ethischen Orientierungen, die religiöse Gemeinschaften bieten, um die Pandemie zu bewältigen. Die Autorinnen und Autoren erkunden imaginative Wege, die das New Normal zu einem »Pantopia« transzendieren, das nicht in die Fehler des Old Normal zurückfällt, sondern die Ungerechtigkeiten in Angriff nimmt, die das Virus im gegenwärtigen Pandemonium offengelegt hat. Sie wollen ihre Leser und Leserinnen dadurch befähigen, der glokalen Pandemie und ihren Nachwirkungen durch die interkulturellen und interreligiösen Perspektiven theologisch informiert gegenüber zu treten.
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Weitere Infos & Material


Introduction 7

Part I: Contextual Perspectives

Liberation Theologies Revisited in Times of Pandemic. A Prologue, Volker Ku¨ster 15

Poverty through the Optic of the “Danger of a Single Story”, Paul Leshota 25

How the Pandemic Will Change Minjung Theology, Kwon Jin-Kwan 41

Fighting Against a Double Pandemic. Anti-Asian Racism, Covid-19, and the Role of Asian American Churches, Eunil David Cho 57

“But it was God’s own mighty plan.” American Religion, Global Pandemics, and the Hidden History of Racial Pandemonium,
Juan M. Floyd-Thomas 69

“You live and do me nothing” (Aby Warburg). Dance of Death, Vanitas, and Covid-19 Representations and the Mastery of the
Indomitable, Helmut Renders 85

Memoria Passionis Subversiva. The Moral Power of Remembrance in the Pandemic – Through a Swedish Lens, Sigurd Bergmann 101

From a Temporary Crisis to Life under Conditions of Vulnerability. Reflections on two years of Corona from the perspective of the Protestant Churches in Germany, Heike Springhart 123

Covid, Climate, Coloniality. Theological (In)verses from Pasifika, Jione Havea 131

Part II: Interreligious Perspectives

Hinduism’s Encounter with Covid-19, Pradeep Chakkarath 145

Buddhist Resources for Dealing with Crises, Carola Roloff 161

Small Virus – Huge Impact. How Covid-19 Changed Judaism, Annette M. Boeckler 175

In Search for Liberating Love and Knowledge in the Face of a Pandemic – Interfaith Engagements, Jude Lal Fernando 189

Taking Refuge in Sacred Texts in Times of Crisis. Lament and Apocalyptic Visions in Interreligious Perspective, Dorothea Erbele-Ku¨ster 203

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