Ersoy | Diffraction, Fourier Optics and Imaging | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 432 Seiten, E-Book

Reihe: Wiley Series in Pure and Applied Optics

Ersoy Diffraction, Fourier Optics and Imaging

E-Book, Englisch, 432 Seiten, E-Book

Reihe: Wiley Series in Pure and Applied Optics

ISBN: 978-0-470-08499-1
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

This book presents current theories of diffraction, imaging, and related topics based on Fourier analysis and synthesis techniques, which are essential for understanding, analyzing, and synthesizing modern imaging, optical communications and networking, as well as micro/nano systems. Applications covered include tomography; magnetic resonance imaging; synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and interferometric SAR; optical communications and networking devices; computer-generated holograms and analog holograms; and wireless systems using EM waves.
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OKAN K. ERSOY, PhD, is Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University. He is also an adjunct professor at Bogazici University. His research interests include optical information processing, digital signal/image processing, statistical and computer intelligence, Fourier-related transforms and time- frequency methods.

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