Evans / Thorndike | Quantum Mechanics at the Crossroads | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, 250 Seiten, eBook

Reihe: The Frontiers Collection

Evans / Thorndike Quantum Mechanics at the Crossroads

New Perspectives from History, Philosophy and Physics

E-Book, Englisch, 250 Seiten, eBook

Reihe: The Frontiers Collection

ISBN: 978-3-540-32665-6
Verlag: Springer
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Kein

Quantum mechanics is a beautiful, strange and successful theory that originated in the 1920s. The theory, which Niels Bohr regarded as finished and complete, has in the last few decades rapidly developed in unexpected directions. An intense new focus on the stranger aspects of the theory, including entanglement and nonlocality, has resulted in new perceptions of the foundations of quantum mechanics, as well as surprising new exploitations of quantum phenomena. Historians and philosophers of science have also renewed their attention to quantum mechanics, opening up its human dimensions and asking searching questions about its meaning. This volume brings together new insights from different vantage points: Historians of physics, such as J. L. Heilbron; philosophers of science, such as Abner Shimony and Michel Bitbol; and quantum physicists, such as Wolfgang Ketterle and Roland Omnès, join forces to tackle essential questions in quantum mechanics and its interpretation. All the authors have written for a broad readership, and the resulting volume will appeal to everyone wishing to keep abreast of new developments in quantum mechanics, as well as its history and philosophy.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction: Contexts and Challenges for Quantum Mechanics.- Max Planck’s compromises on the way to and from the Absolute.- Atomic Waves in Private Practice.- A Complementary Opposition: Louis de Broglie and Werner Heisenberg.- Schrödinger Against Particles and Quantum Jumps.- Aspects of Nonlocality in Quantum Mechanics.- Decoherence and the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics.- What Are Consistent Histories?.- Bose-Einstein Condensation: Identity Crisis for Indistinguishable Particles.- Quantum Fluctuations of Light: A Modern Perspective on Wave/Particle Duality.- Quantum Entanglement as a Resource for Communication.- The Three Cases of Doctor von Neumann.

James Evans is a historian of science and professor of physics at the University of Puget Sound. He is the author of The History and Practice of Ancient Astronomy, as well of numerous articles on the history of physics. His scientific papers include studies of optical-mechanical analogies in the context of general relativity.Alan Thorndike is a professor of physics at the University of Puget Sound. His first field of research involved the behavior of sea ice in the Arctic Ocean, but he is now engaged with experimental quantum optics.

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