Fawcett / Featherstone / Fook | Practice and Research in Social Work | Buch | 978-0-415-19512-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 216 Seiten, Format (B × H): 141 mm x 217 mm, Gewicht: 236 g

Fawcett / Featherstone / Fook

Practice and Research in Social Work

Postmodern Feminist Perspectives

Buch, Englisch, 216 Seiten, Format (B × H): 141 mm x 217 mm, Gewicht: 236 g

ISBN: 978-0-415-19512-6
Verlag: Routledge

Although postmodernist theory has been related to and explored in sociology and social policy, this book is amongst the first to apply the theories to social work, and relate them to current debates. Contributors come from the UK, Australia, South Africa and Canada and many have professional experience as social workers. They appraise the key issues in the contested field of postmodernism and feminism and focus on their applications to practice, research and education in social work.
Fawcett / Featherstone / Fook Practice and Research in Social Work jetzt bestellen!


Postgraduate and Undergraduate

Weitere Infos & Material

Notes on contributors, Acknowledgements, Introduction, 1 Setting the scene: an appraisal of notions of postmodernism, postmodernity and postmodern feminism, 2 The postmodern feminist condition: new conditions for social work, 3 Reading the texts: postmodern feminism and the ‘doing’ of research, 4 Researching disability: meanings, interpretations and analysis, 5 A postmodern perspective on professional ethics, 6 Deconstructing and reconstructing professional expertise, 7 Researching into mothers’ violence: some thoughts on the process, 8 Researching profeminist men’s narratives: participatory methodologies in a postmodern frame, 9 Forever beyond, 10 Feminist postmodernism in the South African context, Index

Barbara Fawcett, Brid Featherstone, Jan Fook, Amy Rossiter

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