Fraser / Simkins | Enterprise Risk Management | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 608 Seiten, E-Book

Reihe: Robert W. Kolb Series

Fraser / Simkins Enterprise Risk Management

Today's Leading Research and Best Practices for Tomorrow's Executives

E-Book, Englisch, 608 Seiten, E-Book

Reihe: Robert W. Kolb Series

ISBN: 978-0-470-56425-7
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Essential insights on the various aspects of enterprise riskmanagement
If you want to understand enterprise risk management from someof the leading academics and practitioners of this exciting newmethodology, Enterprise Risk Management is the book for you.Through in-depth insights into what practitioners of this evolvingbusiness practice are actually doing as well as anticipating whatneeds to be taught on the topic, John Fraser and Betty Simkins havesought out the leading experts in this field to clearly explainwhat enterprise risk management is and how you can teach, learn,and implement these leading practices within the context of yourbusiness activities. In this book, the authors take a broad view ofERM, or what is called a holistic approach to ERM.
Enterprise Risk Management introduces you to the widerange of concepts and techniques for managing risk in a holisticway that correctly identifies risks and prioritizes the appropriateresponses. This invaluable guide offers a broad overview of thedifferent types of techniques: the role of the board, risktolerances, risk profiles, risk workshops, and allocation ofresources, while focusing on the principles that determine businesssuccess. This comprehensive resource also provides a thoroughintroduction to enterprise risk management as it relates to credit,market, and operational risk, as well as the evolving requirementsof the rating agencies and their importance to the overall riskmanagement in a corporate setting. Filled with helpful tables andcharts, Enterprise Risk Management offers a wealth ofknowledge on the drivers, the techniques, the benefits, as well asthe pitfalls to avoid, in successfully implementing enterprise riskmanagement.
* Discusses the history of risk management and more recentlydeveloped enterprise risk management practices and how you canprudently implement these techniques within the context of yourunderlying business activities
* Provides coverage of topics such as the role of the chief riskofficer, the use of anonymous voting technology, and riskindicators and their role in risk management
* Explores the culture and practices of enterprise riskmanagement without getting bogged down by the mathematicssurrounding the more conventional approaches to financial riskmanagement
This informative guide will help you unlock the incrediblepotential of enterprise risk management, which has been describedas a proxy for good management.
Fraser / Simkins Enterprise Risk Management jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Foreword by Robert S. Kaplan.
Part I: Overview.
Chapter One: Enterprise Risk Management: An Introduction andOverview.
Chapter Two: A Brief History of Risk Management.
Chapter Three: ERM and Its Role in Strategic Planning andStrategy Execution.
Chapter Four: The Role of the Board of Directors and SeniorManagement in Enterprise Risk Management.
Part II: ERM Management, Culture and Control.
Chapter Five: Becoming the Lamp Bearer: The Emerging Roles ofthe Chief Risk Officer.
Chapter Six: Creating A Risk Aware Culture.
Chapter Seven: ERM Frameworks.
Chapter Eight: Identifying and Communicating Key RiskIndicators.
Part III: ERM Tools and Techniques.
Chapter Nine: How to Create and Use Corporate RiskTolerance.
Chapter Ten: How to Plan and Run a Risk Management Workshop.
Chapter Eleven: How to Prepare a Risk Profile.
Chapter Twelve: How to Allocate Resources Based on Risk.
Chapter Thirteen: Quantitative Risk Assessment in ERM.
Part IV: Types of Risk.
Chapter Fourteen: Market Risk Management and Common Elementswith Credit Risk Management.
Chapter Fifteen: Credit Risk Management.
Chapter Sixteen: Operational Risk Management Chapter.
Chapter Seventeen: Risk Management: Techniques in Search of aStrategy.
Chapter Eighteen: Managing Financial Risk and its Interactionwith Enterprise Risk Management.
Chapter Nineteen: Bank Capital Regulation and Enterprise RiskManagement.
Chapter Twenty: Legal Risk Post SOX and the Subprime Fiasco:Back to the Drawing Board.
Chapter Twenty One: Financial Reporting and Disclosure RiskManagement.
Part V: Survey Evidence and Academic Research.
Chapter Twenty Two: Who Reads What Most Often? A Survey ofEnterprise Risk Management Literature Read by Risk Executives.
Chapter Twenty Three: Academic Research on Enterprise RiskManagement.
Chapter Twenty Four: Enterprise Risk Management: Lessons fromthe Field.
Part VI: Special Topics and Case Studies.
Chapter Twenty Five: Rating Agencies Impact on Enterprise RiskManagement.
Chapter Twenty Six: Enterprise Risk Management: CurrentInitiatives and Issues.
Chapter Twenty Seven: Establishing ERM Systems in EmergingCountries.
Chapter Twenty Eight: The Rise and Evolution of the Chief RiskOfficer: Enterprise Risk Management at Hydro One.
About the Authors.

John Fraser is the Vice President, Internal Audit, and ChiefRisk Officer of Hydro One Networks Inc. He is an Ontario andCanadian Chartered Accountant, a Fellow of the Association ofChartered Certified Accountants (U.K.), a Certified InternalAuditor, and a Certified Information Systems Auditor. Fraser hasmore than 30 years' experience in the risk and control field,mostly in the financial services sector. He is currently the Chairof the Advisory Committee of the Conference Board of Canada'sStrategic Risk Council and a Practitioner Associate Editor of theJournal of Applied Finance.
Betty J. Simkins, PhD, is the Williams Companies Professor ofBusiness and Professor of Finance at Oklahoma State University. Shehas published more than 40 journal articles and book chapters. Manyof these articles are on the topics of risk management andenterprise risk management. Simkins is also active in the financeprofession and currently serves on the board of directors for theFinancial Management Association, as co-editor of the Journal ofApplied Finance, as Executive Editor of FMA Online, and as pastpresident of the Eastern Finance Association. Prior to enteringacademia, she worked for ConocoPhillips and Williams Companies.

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