Friman | The Politics of Leverage in International Relations | Buch | 978-1-137-43932-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 251 Seiten, Format (B × H): 146 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 4336 g

Reihe: Palgrave Studies in International Relations


The Politics of Leverage in International Relations

Name, Shame, and Sanction

Buch, Englisch, 251 Seiten, Format (B × H): 146 mm x 216 mm, Gewicht: 4336 g

Reihe: Palgrave Studies in International Relations

ISBN: 978-1-137-43932-1
Verlag: Springer Nature Singapore

This unique volume unpacks the concept and practice of naming and shaming by examining how governments, NGOs and international organisations attempt to change the behaviour of targeted actors through public exposure of violations of normative standards and legal commitments.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Notes on Contributors Acknowledgements 1. Introduction: Unpacking the Mobilization of Shame; H. Richard Friman PART I: REVISITING HUMAN RIGHTS NAMING AND SHAMING 2. Caught at the Keyhole: The Power and Limits of Shame; William F. Schulz 3. Human Rights Naming and Shaming: International and Domestic Processes; James C. Franklin 4. Mobilizing 'Third-Party Influence': The Impact of Amnesty International's Naming and Shaming; Dongwook Kim 5. Promoting Accountability, Undermining Peace? Naming and Shaming in Transitional Justice Processes; Eric Wiebelhaus-Brahm PART II: NAMING AND SHAMING BEYOND HUMAN RIGHTS 6. Ain't That a Shame? Hypocrisy, Punishment and Weak Actor Influence in International Politics; Joshua W. Busby and Kelly M. Greenhill 7. Naming and Shaming in Financial Regulation: Explaining Variation in the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering; Mark T. Nance 8 Behind the Curtain: Naming and Shaming in International Drug Control; H. Richard Friman 9. UN Targeted Sanctionsas Signals: Naming and Shaming or Naming and Stigmatizing?; Thomas Biersteker 10. Shaming the Shameless? Campaigning against Corporations; Virginia Haufler 11. Conclusion: Exploring the Politics of Leverage; H. Richard Friman

H. Richard Friman is Eliot Fitch Chair for International Studies, Professor of Political Science, and Director of the Center for Transnational Justice at Marquette University, USA. His recent books include Crime and the Global Political Economy (2009) and Human Trafficking, Human Security and the Balkans edited with Simon Reich (2007).

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