Gates / Funnell | Transnational Asian Identities in Pan-Pacific Cinemas | Buch | 978-1-138-64117-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 260 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 354 g

Reihe: Routledge Advances in Film Studies

Gates / Funnell

Transnational Asian Identities in Pan-Pacific Cinemas

The Reel Asian Exchange

Buch, Englisch, 260 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 354 g

Reihe: Routledge Advances in Film Studies

ISBN: 978-1-138-64117-4
Verlag: CRC Press

This collection examines the exchange of Asian identities taking place at the levels of both film production and film reception amongst pan-Pacific cinemas. The authors consider, on the one hand, texts that exhibit what Mette Hjort refers to as, "marked transnationality," and on the other, the polysemic nature of transnational film texts by examining the release and reception of these films. The topics explored in this collection include the innovation of Hollywood generic formulas into 1950's and 1960's Hong Kong and Japanese films; the examination of Thai and Japanese raced and gendered identity in Asian and American films; the reception of Hollywood films in pre-1949 China and millennial Japan; the production and performance of Asian adoptee identity and subjectivity; the political implications and interpretations of migrating Chinese female stars; and the production and reception of pan-Pacific co-productions.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction: The Reel Asian Exchange. Lisa Funnell and Philippa Gates Section I: Remixing/Remaking Formulas 1.Hong Kong Noir: American Film Noir and Asian Innovation, 1956-66, Philippa Gates 2. Drunken Master meets the Monkey King: Transnational Chinese Identities in Action, Lan Dong 3. Shoot-Out in Hokkaido: The "Wanderer" (Wataridori) Series and the Politics of Transnationality, Hiroshi Kitamura 4. Cultural Odor in the Global Order: Globalization and the Raced Japanese Body, Jun Okada Section II: Perception/Reception 5. Learning Bushido from Abroad: Japanese Reactions to The Last Samurai, Jayson Makoto Chun 6. Illegitimate Gloss: From Anna Leonowens’ Tuptim to Contemporary Thai/American Sexploitation, Pahole Sookkasikon 7. Translating Hollywood Film to Chinese Audience: The Role of Agency and Appropriation in Transnational Cultural Encounters, Zhiwei Xiao 8. Questions of Cultural Proximity and the "Asian Popular": South Korean Audiences Watching Zhang Yimou’s Martial Arts Blockbusters, Nikki J.Y. Lee 9. Trans-Action: Epic Tensions and Ethics of Memory in East Asian Co-Productions, Yun Mi Hwang Section III: Female Fandom/ Stardom 10. Migrating West…to the East: Transnational Chinese Canadians in Post-1997 Hong Kong Cinema, Lisa Funnell 11. From National Allegory to Global Commodity: The Cinematic Images of Gong Li, Ka F. Wong 12. The Transnational Journey of O Ren Ishii: The American Cultification of the Asian Female Avenger, Leung Wing-Fai Section IV: Emerging Subjectivities 13. Mysterious Object of Desire: The Haunted Cinema of Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Angela O’Hara 14. Adopted: Crossing (out) Boundaries of Adoptee Kinship and Global Belonging, Aino Rinhaug 15. Trauma and Taiwan’s Melodrama: Seven Orphans of Cape No. 7, Sheng-Mei Ma

Philippa Gates is an Associate Professor and the Film Studies Program Coordinator at Wilfrid Laurier University.
Lisa Funnell is a Lecturer in Film Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University.

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