Gerdin | Health Careers Today | Buch | 978-0-323-28050-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 672 Seiten, Format (B × H): 286 mm x 225 mm, Gewicht: 1518 g


Health Careers Today

Buch, Englisch, 672 Seiten, Format (B × H): 286 mm x 225 mm, Gewicht: 1518 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-28050-1
Verlag: Elsevier - Health Sciences Division

Find the health career that's right for you! Health Careers Today, 6th Edition offers a practical overview to help you make an informed decision in choosing a profession. Not only does this book discuss the roles and responsibilities of various occupations, it provides a solid foundation in the skills that each health career requires. Clear explanations of anatomy and physiology provide essential knowledge of the human body and show how A&P applies to different careers. From experienced educator Judith Gerdin, this edition adds three new chapters, and an Evolve companion website includes new health career videos, animations, exercises, and more.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Unit I: Career Foundation
 1. Health Care of the Past, Present, and Future
 2.  Interpersonal Dynamics, Systems, and Communications
 3. Safety, Health, and Environmental Practices
 4. Ethics and Legal Responsibilities
 5. Culture and Health Care
 6. Employability and Career Development
 7. Academic Foundation
 8. Wellness, Growth and Development
 9. Professionalism  NEW!
 10. Medical Mathematics  NEW!
 11. Medical Terminology  NEW!
Unit II: Anatomy and Physiology
 12. Body Organization
 13. Integumentary System
 14. Cardiovascular System
 15. Circulatory System
 16. Respiratory System
 17. Skeletal System
 18. Muscular System
 19. Digestive System
 20. Urinary System
 21. Endocrine System
 22. Nervous System
 23. Sensory System
 24. Reproductive System
Unit III: Career Pathways
 25. Biotechnology Research and Development Careers
 26. Clinical Laboratory and Medical Forensics Careers
 27. Imaging Careers
 28. Emergency Health Careers
 29. Information and Administration Careers
 30. Environmental Careers
 31. Nursing Careers
 32. Medical Careers
 33. Dental Careers
 34. Complementary and Alternative Careers
 35. Veterinary Careers
 36. Community and Social Careers
 37. Mental Health Careers
 38. Rehabilitative Careers

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