Hart / Blincow / Thomas | Resilient Therapy | Buch | 978-0-415-40385-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten, Format (B × H): 161 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 345 g

Hart / Blincow / Thomas

Resilient Therapy

Working with Children and Families

Buch, Englisch, 224 Seiten, Format (B × H): 161 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 345 g

ISBN: 978-0-415-40385-6
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd

Whilst much has been written about the identification of resilience in children and their families, comparatively little has been written about what practitioners can do to support those children and families who need the most pressing help.

Resilient Therapy explores a new therapeutic methodology designed to help children and young people find ways to keep positive when living amidst persistent disadvantage. Using detailed case material from a range of contexts, the authors illustrate how resilient mechanisms work in complex situations, and how resilient therapy works in real-life situations. In addition to work with families, helping welfare organisations achieve greater resilience is also tackled.

This book will be essential reading for practitioners working with children, adolescents and their families who wish to help their clients cope with adversity and promote resilience.
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Postgraduate, Professional, and Professional Practice & Development

Weitere Infos & Material

Conjuring Up Resilient Therapy. Four Noble Truths for Resilient Therapists: Acceptance, Conservation, Commitment and Enlisting. Basics as a Fundamental Part of Resilient Therapy. Belonging. Learning. Coping. Core Self. Making Organisations Work. Configuring RT for Practitioners.

Angie Hart is Professor of Child, Family and Community Health at the University of Brighton and Academic Co-Director of its Community University Partnership Programme. She is also a Psychotherapeutic Counsellor and Research Practitioner atBrightonand HoveSpecialist Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). Alongside the other authors, she works in a specialist team supporting fostered and adopted children. Professor Hartalso has many years experience of parenting children from care.
Derek Blincow studied Social Philosophy before taking up Medicine and Psychiatry. He holds an NHS Consultant post in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry practising in a deprived area of Brighton and has developed services across the local area. He has acted as an External Professional Advisor to the UK Health Ombudsman and an Expert Witness to the Family Courts.
Helen Thomas isHead of Systemic Psychotherapy at Brightonand HoveSpecialist CAMHS. She read Psychology at University College London followed by Applied Social Sciences. She has practiced as a Psychiatric Social Worker in London and the South of England for 25 years with a special interest in child mental health and neglect.

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