Healy / Martinez-Alier / Martínez-Alier | Ecological Economics from the Ground Up | Buch | 978-1-84971-399-3 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 568 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 907 g

Healy / Martinez-Alier / Martínez-Alier

Ecological Economics from the Ground Up

Buch, Englisch, 568 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 907 g

ISBN: 978-1-84971-399-3
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

This book takes unique and much-needed bottom-up approach to teaching ecological economics, using case studies that focus on a wide range of internationally relevant topics, to teach the principles, concepts and tools of ecological economics and political ecology.

Existing introductory books on ecological economics are oriented toward graduate level students with previous training in economics. They are also organised from first principles with emphasis on theory. This book evolved out of dissatisfaction with the absence of learning materials grounded in real-life situations, and of awareness of the inaccessibility of existing materials.

This is particularly true with regard to those Civil Society Organisations (CSO's) that have recognised the value that ecological economics and political ecology tools and methods hold for their research and advocacy work. Designed to fill these gaps, this book is based on case studies chosen by CSOs on the basis of relevance to their work, and developed collaboratively with leading ecological economists. The case studies are accompanied by a glossary designed to complement and expand on the knowledge presented in the case studies, also written with significant CSO input.
Healy / Martinez-Alier / Martínez-Alier Ecological Economics from the Ground Up jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Healy, Hali
Hali Healy is co-author and Deputy Manager of CEECEC (2008-10), and has coordinated key dissemination events and collaborative science-CSO workshops. She has also organised other projects and events related to advocating links between Science and Society, including a roundtable event at the first International Conference on Economic Degrowth in Paris in 2008, and a recent (January 2010) conference in London designed to bring together researchers, policymakers and CSOs to discuss network building for an alternative economic model for sustainable degrowth. Hali has served as an expert at EC workshops on Science in Society collaboration.

Martinez-Alier, Joan
Joan Martinez Alier is professor of Economics and Economic History, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, a founding member and past president of the ISEE (Int. Society for Ecological Economics), a member of the scientific committee of the EEA (2000-2008), and a member of the advisory board of the TEEB project. His main research lines include: environmental history, the foundations of ecological economics, ecological distribution and valuation, North-South environmental conflicts and environmental justice, and biodiversity conservation.

Joan Martinez Alier is professor of Economics and Economic History, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, a founding member and past president of the ISEE (Int. Society for Ecological Economics), a member of the scientific committee of the EEA (2000-2008), and a member of the advisory board of the TEEB project. His main research lines include: environmental history, the foundations of ecological economics, ecological distribution and valuation, North-South environmental conflicts and environmental justice, and biodiversity conservation.

Hali Healy is co-author and Deputy Manager of CEECEC (2008-10), and has coordinated key dissemination events and collaborative science-CSO workshops. She has also organised other projects and events related to advocating links between Science and Society, including a roundtable event at the first International Conference on Economic Degrowth in Paris in 2008, and a recent (January 2010) conference in London designed to bring together researchers, policymakers and CSOs to discuss network building for an alternative economic model for sustainable degrowth. Hali has served as an expert at EC workshops on Science in Society collaboration.

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