Helmholz / Zimmermann | Itinera Fiduciae. | Buch | 978-3-428-09614-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 19, 544 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 157 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 821 g

Reihe: Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History

Helmholz / Zimmermann

Itinera Fiduciae.

Trust and Treuhand in Historical Perspective.

Buch, Englisch, Band 19, 544 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 157 mm x 233 mm, Gewicht: 821 g

Reihe: Comparative Studies in Continental and Anglo-American Legal History

ISBN: 978-3-428-09614-5
Verlag: Duncker & Humblot

A person may hold property for a variety of purposes. The most common situation is that he wants to use and enjoy it for his own benefit. But he may also have agreed to administer the property either for the benefit of someone else or to further some particular purpose. Thus, in a broad and untechnical sense of the word, he may hold it "in trust". This kind of arrangement has been resorted to for many different reasons, both legitimate and illegitimate. From very early on, European legal systems have been faced with the need to establish rules and, eventually, institutions to deal with the resulting legal problems. Fiducia, fideicommissum, Treuhand, foundation, executorship and, of course, the trust: they all provided, at some time or other and in some place or other, the legal framework that was required.

The present volume attempts to present a comparative historical analysis of these devices. It seeks to trace the paths of the idea of "holding for others" or of holding property in a fiduciary capacity: itinera fiduciae. And it comes to the conclusion that historical connections can be drawn between the English trust and the Continental legal tradition. The common features and the common sources evident on both sides of the Channel mean that no wall of incomprehension separated the English trust from analogous institutions on the Continent. On this account, Otto von Gierke's often quoted remark to F. W. Maitland ("I do not understand your law of trusts") gives a misleading impression. If, as seems to be happening today, modern European law incorporates the trust, there is much to suggest that it will be building upon historical foundations.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Inhalt: R. Helmholz / R. Zimmermann, Views of Trust and Treuhand. An Introduction - D. Johnston, Trust and Trust-like Devices in Roman Law - H. Siems, Von den piae causae zu den Xenodochien - S. Herman, The Canonical Conception of the Trust - J. Biancalana, Medieval Uses - R. Helmholz, Trusts in the English Ecclesiastical Courts 1300-1640 - N. Jones, Trusts in England after the Statute of Uses: A View from the 16th Century - M. Macnair, The Conceptual Basis of Trusts in the Later 17th and Early 18th Centuries - K. O. Scherner, Formen der Treuhand im alten deutschen Recht - R. Zimmermann, Heres Fiduciarius? Rise and Fall of the Testamentary Executor - R. Feenstra, Foundations in Continental Law since the 12th Century: The Legal Person Concept and Trust-like Devices - M. Graziadei, The Development of Fiducia in Italian and French Law from the 14th Century to the End of the Ancien Régime - K. Luig, Philipp Knipschildt und das Familienfideikommiß im Zeitalter des Usus modernus - S. Hofer, Treuhandtheorien in der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft des 19. Jahrhunderts. Zur Verwendung von historischen Rechtsinstituten in der Zivilrechtsdogmatik - J. Rückert, Kontinuität und Diskontinuität in der Treuhandforschung - A. Richter, German and American Law of Charity in the Early 19th Century - S. Grundmann, The Evolution of Trust and Treuhand in the 20th Century - M. Lupoi, Trusts and Civilian Categories (Problems Spurred by Italian Domestic Trusts) - G. Gretton, Scotland: The Evolution of the Trust in a Semi-Civilian System

Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Reinhard Zimmermann, geb. 1952 in Hamburg, Jurastudium in Hamburg. Fachliche Interessen: Römisches Recht, Rechtsgeschichte, Rechtsvergleichung, Privatrecht. Lehrstühle an den Universitäten Kapstadt, Regensburg, Cambridge; Gastprofessuren in Edinburgh, Auckland, Chicago, Berkeley, Yale, Oxford u.a.; heute Direktor am Max-Planck-Institut für ausländisches und internationales Privatrecht und Professor an der Bucerius Law School. Leibniz-Preisträger (1996); Mitglied mehrerer Akademien der Wissenschaften im In- und Ausland; Präsident der Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes; Vorsitzender der Zivilrechtslehrervereinigung.

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