Kapustka / Reineke / Röhl | Textile Terms: A Glossary | Buch | 978-3-942810-36-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band Sonderband, 360 Seiten, Format (B × H): 150 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 718 g

Reihe: Textile Studies

Kapustka / Reineke / Röhl

Textile Terms: A Glossary

Buch, Englisch, Band Sonderband, 360 Seiten, Format (B × H): 150 mm x 240 mm, Gewicht: 718 g

Reihe: Textile Studies

ISBN: 978-3-942810-36-4
Verlag: Reimer, Dietrich

The glossary explores and presents seventy essential and critical terms that define the textile medium as a specific form, material, technique and metaphor from antiquity to the present. It collects contributions of inter- national specialists in the field.
Each entry discusses one illustrated object which epitomizes the main concepts related to one of the volume’s keywords – from “absorption” and “abstraction” to “weaving” and “wool”. The glossary is addressed to schol- ars and students of art and architectural history and related fields as well as to artists and curators. It offers a new point of reference and departure
for future research on the textile medium as such.
Kapustka / Reineke / Röhl Textile Terms: A Glossary jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Weddigen, Tristan
Mateusz Kapustka, Anika Reineke, Anne Röhl and Tristan Weddigen are part oft he SNF Research Project TEXTILE. An Iconology of the Textile in Art and Architecture, University of Zurich.

Röhl, Anne
Mateusz Kapustka, Anika Reineke, Anne Röhl and Tristan Weddigen are part oft he SNF Research Project TEXTILE. An Iconology of the Textile in Art and Architecture, University of Zurich.

Kapustka, Mateusz
Mateusz Kapustka, Anika Reineke, Anne Röhl and Tristan Weddigen are part oft he SNF Research Project TEXTILE. An Iconology of the Textile in Art and Architecture, University of Zurich.

Reineke, Anika
Mateusz Kapustka, Anika Reineke, Anne Röhl and Tristan Weddigen are part oft he SNF Research Project TEXTILE. An Iconology of the Textile in Art and Architecture, University of Zurich.

Mateusz Kapustka, Anika Reineke, Anne Röhl and Tristan Weddigen are part oft he SNF Research Project TEXTILE. An Iconology of the Textile in Art and Architecture, University of Zurich.

Mateusz Kapustka, Anika Reineke, Anne Röhl and Tristan Weddigen are part oft he SNF Research Project TEXTILE. An Iconology of the Textile in Art and Architecture, University of Zurich.

Mateusz Kapustka, Anika Reineke, Anne Röhl and Tristan Weddigen are part oft he SNF Research Project TEXTILE. An Iconology of the Textile in Art and Architecture, University of Zurich.

Mateusz Kapustka, Anika Reineke, Anne Röhl and Tristan Weddigen are part oft he SNF Research Project TEXTILE. An Iconology of the Textile in Art and Architecture, University of Zurich.

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