Keirl / Christie | Clinical Optics and Refraction | Buch | 978-0-7506-8889-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 368 Seiten, Format (B × H): 190 mm x 247 mm, Gewicht: 767 g

Keirl / Christie

Clinical Optics and Refraction

A Guide for Optometrists, Contact Lens Opticians and Dispensing Opticians

Buch, Englisch, 368 Seiten, Format (B × H): 190 mm x 247 mm, Gewicht: 767 g

ISBN: 978-0-7506-8889-5
Verlag: Elsevier Health Sciences

It provides a comprehensive and clinically based guide to visual optics. With its suggested routines and numerous examples, this new book offers a straightforward "how to approach" to the understanding of clinical optics, refraction and contact lens optics. Designed for easy access, it presents information in a concise format that highlights key, need-to-know points. Part 1 addresses the basic visual optics of the eye along with emmetropia, ametropia and the correction of ametropia with spectacle lenses. Part 2 turns to the optics of contact lenses and the use of contact lenses in vision correction. - Numerous worked examples based on real examination questions
- Practical and user friendly text
- Over 190 clear line diagrams
- An essential passport to examination success and a valuable quick reference for practitioners
Keirl / Christie Clinical Optics and Refraction jetzt bestellen!


Undergraduate optometry students; student dispensing opticians; contact lens students.

Weitere Infos & Material

Part 1. Background Optical Principles. Schematic Eyes, Emmetropia and Ametropia. Emmetropia and Ametropia. The Correction of Spherical Ametropia. The Basic terinal Image. Spectacle Magnification and the Corrected Retinal Image. Astigmatism. Retinoscopy. Visual Acuity and the Measurement of Visual Function. Subjective Refraction: Principles and Techniques for the Correction of Spherical Ametropia. Subjective Refraction: Principles and Techniques for the Correction of Astigmatic Ametropia. Binocular Balancing and Binoculer Refraction. Accommodation and Presbyopia. Determination of the Near Addition. Convergence. Automated Methods of Refraction.

Part 2. The Correction of Refractive Errors Using Contact Lenses. Measurement of the Cornea: The Keratometer and Beyond. Ray-tracing Through RGP Contact Lenses and Contact Lens-Tear Lens Systems. Spectacle Magnification and Relative Spectacle Magnification. Contact Lens Materials: Physical and Optical Properties. The Correction of Astigmatism with Rigid Gas Permeable Contact Lenses. The Correction of Astigmatism with Soft Contact Lenses. Ray-tracing Through Soft Contact Lenses and Soft Contact Lens Hydration Factors. The Correction of Presbyopia with Contact Lenses. Over-refraction Techniques in Contact Lens Practice. Accommodation and Convergence: Spectacles vs Contact Lenses. Accommodation and Convergence: Spectacles versus Contact Lenses. The Axial and Radial Edge Thicknesses of a Contact Lens. Contact Lens Verification. Binoculer Vision: The Basics. Binocular Vision Considerations in Contact Lens Practice.

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