Klein | Pina Bausch's Dance Theater | Buch | 978-3-8376-5055-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Band 56, 440 Seiten, Kt, Format (B × H): 161 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 799 g

Reihe: TanzScripte


Pina Bausch's Dance Theater

Company, Artistic Practices and Reception

Buch, Englisch, Band 56, 440 Seiten, Kt, Format (B × H): 161 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 799 g

Reihe: TanzScripte

ISBN: 978-3-8376-5055-6
Verlag: Transcript Verlag

This volume provides new, ground-breaking perspectives on the globally renowned work of the Tanztheater Wuppertal and its iconic founder and artistic director, Pina Bausch. The company's performances, how it developed its productions, the global transfer of its choreographic material and the reactions of audiences and critics are explained as complex, interdependent and reciprocal processes of translation. This is the first book to focus on the artistic research conducted for the Tanztheater's international coproductions and features extensive interviews with dancers, collaborators and spectators and provides first-hand ethnographic insights into the work process. By introducing the praxeology of translation as a key methodological concept for dance research, Gabriele Klein argues that Pina Bausch's lasting legacy is defined by an entanglement of temporalities that challenges the notion of contemporaneity.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Klein, Gabriele
Gabriele Klein (Dr. rer. soc.) has been a full professor of sociology with a focus on human movement science, dance and performance studies at Universität Hamburg since 2002. Since 2022 she has also been professor of ballet and dance (Hans-van-Manen Chair) at the University of Amsterdam. She is PI of the Cluster of Excellence 'Understanding Written Artefacts' at Universität Hamburg. From 2022 to 2023, she was a fellow at the research center 'global dis:connect'.

Gabriele Klein is professor of dance and performance studies at Hamburg University. She is a member of the Hamburg Cluster of Excellence 'Understanding Written Artefacts'. Her research fields are the social and political theory of dance, choreography, and performance, body politics, and transnational popular dance cultures.

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