Kobre | Fotojornalismo | Buch | 978-85-352-4524-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 512 Seiten, Format (B × H): 203 mm x 279 mm, Gewicht: 572 g



Buch, Englisch, 512 Seiten, Format (B × H): 203 mm x 279 mm, Gewicht: 572 g

ISBN: 978-85-352-4524-0
Verlag: Editora Campus

Photojournalism: A Professionals' Approach, 6th edition blends insightful interviews with professionals, practical experience, current equipment and camera technology, and high-impact photographs to create the definitive book on photojournalism. The DVD features footage of working professionals handling on-the-job challenges.This revised edition features information on new laws affecting photojournalists, new trends in multimedia to keep skills competitive, and as the world grows smaller, a look back at some international history in the photography world. Updates throughout the a imaging chapter, feature pictures, picture editing, ethics, law and wartime censorship keep this book the bible it is known to be. More interviews and case studies with industry greats result in a stunning and dramatic showcase of the best of photojournalism.
Kobre Fotojornalismo jetzt bestellen!


photojournalism students, photojournalists


Weitere Infos & Material

Assignment; Spot News; General News; Covering the Issues; Features; Portraits; Sports; The Photo Story; Photo Illustrations; Photo Editing; Cameras and Film; Digital Images; Strobe; The Law; Ethics; History; DVD included

Kobre, Kenneth
Professor Ken Kobré directs the photojournalism sequence at San Francisco State University, California. His photographs have appeared in Newsweek, Time, Business Week, San Francisco Examiner, and numerous other publications. Kobre also is the producer of the hour-long documentary "Deadline Every Second: On Assignment with 12 Associated Press Photojournalists.? Please "friend? Ken on Facebook, www.facebook.com/kenkobre, and then "like? the page for "Deadline Every Second,? where you can view the trailer.

Professor Ken Kobré directs the photojournalism sequence at San Francisco State University, California. His photographs have appeared in Newsweek, Time, Business Week, San Francisco Examiner, and numerous other publications. Kobre also is the producer of the hour-long documentary "Deadline Every Second: On Assignment with 12 Associated Press Photojournalists.? Please "friend? Ken on Facebook, www.facebook.com/kenkobre, and then "like? the page for "Deadline Every Second,? where you can view the trailer.

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