Kumar | Bedside Clinics in Orthopedics | Buch | 978-93-86150-18-9 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 428 Seiten, Format (B × H): 171 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 785 g


Bedside Clinics in Orthopedics

Buch, Englisch, 428 Seiten, Format (B × H): 171 mm x 241 mm, Gewicht: 785 g

ISBN: 978-93-86150-18-9
Verlag: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers Pvt Ltd

This book is a complete guide to fundamental orthopaedics for surgeons and trainees.

Divided into eight sections, the text begins with detailed explanations of the ward round (casts, dressings, slings), instruments and implants, radiographs, and orthosis and prosthesis.

The following sections discuss bones and joints, surgical procedures, and the operation theatre, concluding with a brief history of orthopaedics.

The section on surgical procedures is presented in a question and answer format, highlighting questions commonly asked by examiners on ward rounds, along with their appropriate answers.

This comprehensive manual is enhanced by clinical photographs, illustrations and tables, and includes ‘key points’ boxes for quick revision.

Key Points

- Comprehensive guide to fundamental orthopaedics for surgeons and trainees

- Highlights questions commonly asked by examiners on ward rounds

- Highly illustrated with clinical photographs, diagrams and tables

- Includes ‘key points’ boxes for quick revision
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Weitere Infos & Material

Section 1: Ward Round

- Casting Material And Orthopedic Cast

- Dressing Materials

- Orthopedic Strappings, Bandages And Slings

- Orthopedic Traction And Their Equipments

- Patients On External Fixators

- Miscellaneous Equipments In Ward

Section 2: Table Of Instruments And Implants

- Tourniquet And Esmarch’s Bandage

- General Surgical Instruments

- Retractors And Bone-Levers

- Bone Cutting And Related Instruments

- Bone And Plate Holding Instruments

- Bone Piercing Instruments And Screw Drivers.

- Ss Wire And K-Wire Handling Instruments

- Miscellaneous Instruments

- Special Instruments For Plating And Nailing

- Key Instruments For Dhs And Dcs

- Key Instrument Of Spine Surgery

- Key Instrument Of Hip Hemiarthroplasty

- Key Instrument Of Arthroscopy

- Pins Stainless Steel Wire And K-Wires (Tbw)

- Orthopedic Screw

- Orthopedic Plating

- Orthopedic Nailing

- Special Implants Around Hip

- Spinal Implantation

- Osteotomy Fixation And Epiphysiodesis Implants

- Arthroplasty Implants

- Special Implants For Arthrodesis

- Some Implants For External Fixator(Ao Fixator,Illizarov,Jess)

- Miscellaneous Material (Suture Material Bone Cement Etc)


Section 3: Table Of Orthopaedic Radiographs

- Radiographs Of Fracture

- Radiographs Of Tumors

- Radiographs Of Infective And Rheumatic Disorder

- Radiographs Of Metabolic And Osteochondritic Disorder

- Radiographs With Special Orthopedic Procedure


Section 4: Table Of Orthosis And Prosthesis

- Basic About Arthosis

- Lower Limb Orthosis

- Upper Limb Orthosis

- Spinal Orthosis

- Basic About Prosthesis

- Lower Limb Prosthesis

- Upper Limb Prosthesis

- Mobility Aids For Patients


Section 5: Table Of Bone, Joints Models And Specimens

- Basic About Bone And Joints

- Bone And Joints Of Upper Limb

- Bone And Joints Of Lower Limb

- Spine And Its Joints

- Specimen Section


Section 6: Orthopedic Surgical Approaches

- Surgical Approaches For Shoulder And Arm

- Surgical Approaches For Distal Arm, Elbow And Proximal Forearm

- Surgical Approaches For Forearm Wrist And Hand

- Surgical Approaches For Spine

- Surgical Approaches For Pelvis, Hip And Thigh.

- Surgical Approaches For Distal Thigh, Knee And Proximal Leg.

- Surgical Approaches For Leg, Ankle And Foot


Section 7: Operation Theatre and Sterilization

- OT Structure, Equipment And Drugs

- Principle Of Sterilization

- Before Starting The Surgery


Section 8: Glorious History Of Orthopaedics

- Era Before Roentgen

- Era After Roentgen

Upendra Kumar D Ortho PMCHDNB

Orthopaedic Surgeon, New Delhi, India

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