Cardoso / Kurz / Steiner | Economic Analyses in Historical Perspective | Buch | 978-1-138-50119-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 266 Seiten, Format (B × H): 241 mm x 163 mm, Gewicht: 550 g

Reihe: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics

Cardoso / Kurz / Steiner

Economic Analyses in Historical Perspective

Buch, Englisch, 266 Seiten, Format (B × H): 241 mm x 163 mm, Gewicht: 550 g

Reihe: Routledge Studies in the History of Economics

ISBN: 978-1-138-50119-5
Verlag: Taylor & Francis Ltd

This book brings together leading scholars of the history of economic thought to demonstrate the vitality and richness of a discipline that welcomes both practitioners of intellectual, contextual history, as well as specialists in the historical explanation of the analytical and theoretical dimension of economic science. They shed new light on a variety of themes and problems and move the frontier of knowledge in the areas covered.

Economic Analyses in Historical Perspective is presented in three parts. The first deals with French traditions in economics, a field that Gilbert Faccarello has tilled for many years and to which he has made numerous contributions. The second turns to the dissemination and diffusion of economic ideas and theories across national borders, and thus to the European and even global level. Finally, the third part deals with analytical developments in some selected fields of economics: public economics, monetary policy, trade theory and spatial economics.

This volume is of great importance to those who study history of economic thought, political economy and monetary economics. The chapters’ centre around the work of Gilbert Faccarello, making this book a fitting tribute to his academic career on the history of economic theory and ideas.
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Postgraduate and Undergraduate

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction

The editors

Personal reminiscences

Heinz D. Kurz (University of Graz)

2. French traditions in economics

Freeing Trade or Freeing Humans? Mably and Condillac on Economic Policies and the Renewal of the French Kingdom

Arnaud Orain (University of Paris 8)

Physiocratic Philosophie économique

Philippe Steiner (University of Paris Sorbonne, & Institut universitaire de France)

Opinion, Time and Institution –– Necker’s critique of ‘New Science’

Yusuke Ando (Rikkyo University)

Jean-Baptiste Say as a Classical Moralist

Pierre Force (Columbia University)

Theology and Knowledge of the "Collective Man" in the Writings of Pierre-Simon Ballanche Ludovic Frobert (ENS Lyon)

Pellegrino Rossi: A Ricardian at the Collège de France?

Alain Béraud (Université de Cergy-Pontoise)

Charles Gide and marginalism in Histoire des doctrines économiques

Jean-Pierre Potier (University of Lyon)

3. European and global economic conversations

The individual, society and economy in 17th century thought

Cosimo Perrotta (University of Lecce)

A ‘Tory outré’? Le Blanc and Forbonnais readers of Hume

Thierry Demals (University of Lille)

Genovesi and Enlightened Political Economy

José Luís Cardoso (University of Lisbon)

Jean-Baptiste Say's Footnotes to Ricardo

Keith Tribe

German Editions of Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations

Harald Hagemann (Hohenheim University Stuttgart)

John Ruskin in early 20th century Japan: some episodes

Masashi Izumo (University of Kanagawa)

Translation and the circulation of economic ideas across nations

Marco Guidi (University of Pisa)

4. Theoretical developments: public economics, money and international trade

Individuals, Markets, and the Public Economy: Syntheses in Public Economics

Richard Sturn (University of Graz)

Competition in Public Finance: from De Viti de Marco’s Lectures to his Principles

Manuela Mosca (University of Lecce)

The missing equation in E.W. Kemmerer (1903) and I. Fisher (1892, 1911)

Jérôme de Boyer des Roches (Paris Dauphine University)

The first steps of the Money Doctor: Kemmerer’s Gold Exchange Standard in Philippines Rebecca Gomez Betancourt (University of Lyon 2)

The Political Economy of Michal Kalecki

Michael Assous (University of Paris 1)

Consumption and money-making in Keynes: enjoyments of life or morbid instincts?

Maria Cristina Marcuzzo (University of Rome 1)

Foreign trade, International Trade and Say’s Law

Daniel Diatkine (University of Paris 1)

The breakdown of the competitive paradigm in the space-economy

Jacques-François Thisse (UC Louvain)

José Luís Cardoso is Research Professor and Director of the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon, Portugal.
Heinz D. Kurz is Professor Emeritus of Economics at the University of Graz, Austria, and Fellow of the Graz Schumpeter Centre.
Philippe Steiner is professor of sociology at the university Paris-Sorbonne and honorary Senior member of the Institut universitaire de France.

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