Kwok / Teh | Emerging Technologies in Business | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 304 Seiten, eBook

Kwok / Teh Emerging Technologies in Business

Innovation Strategies for Competitive Advantage

E-Book, Englisch, 304 Seiten, eBook

ISBN: 978-981-9722-11-2
Verlag: Springer Singapore
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Wasserzeichen (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

This book is a collection of studies that explores the adoption, applications, and implications of emerging technologies in business. Given that emerging technologies have the potential to significantly disrupt and transform existing business models, the premise is to demonstrate how theories are translated into practice. Readers will gain insights into operating processes and business models, the diffusion of innovation in business and industry, and how humans interact with emerging technologies.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Operating processes and business models.- Diffusion of innovation.- Technology in the society.- Conclusion and future direction.

Dr. Andrei O. J. Kwok is a Senior Lecturer and the Director of Graduate Coursework Studies at the School of Business, Monash University Malaysia. He studies decision-making behavior and strategy with a focus on emerging technologies in business. His research also seeks to raise awareness of how emerging technologies can contribute to socially and economically thriving communities and how they can influence behavior and decision-making toward the technologies. Dr. Kwok uses experimental methods in his research to study individual behavior at the micro-level and business strategy at the macro-level. He has published several forward-thinking and impactful articles, as well as a monograph as the lead author. Before joining academia, Dr. Kwok managed international R&D teams in global technology firms.
Professor Dr Pei-Lee Teh

is the Head of the Department of Management at the School of Business, as well as the Director of the Gerontechnology Laboratory at Monash University Malaysia. She is passionate about research on how technology transforms business processes and organizations and its huge impacts on people’s lives and society at large and her interdisciplinary research has received grants of more than RM10 million. Professor Teh has served on projects led by the Economic Planning Unit (EPU) of the Prime Minister's Office Malaysia, the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MOSTI) Malaysia, and the World Health Organization (WHO), among others. She founded the Gerontechnology Laboratory at Monash University Malaysia in 2016; the laboratory was the first of its kind in Malaysia. She runs substantive research programs focused on developing technological solutions for mobility and aging. She is an Associate Editor for three journals: the Decision Sciences Journal of Innovative Education, the Gerontechnology Journal, and the International Journal of Electronic Business.

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