Lane | Restructuring and Workouts: Strategies for Maximising Value | Buch | 978-1-78742-188-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 255 Seiten, Format (B × H): 241 mm x 164 mm, Gewicht: 534 g


Restructuring and Workouts: Strategies for Maximising Value

Buch, Englisch, 255 Seiten, Format (B × H): 241 mm x 164 mm, Gewicht: 534 g

ISBN: 978-1-78742-188-2
Verlag: Globe Law and Business Limited

A decade on from the global economic crisis, the time is ripe for restructuring professionals to take stock. The worldwide economy has recovered but remains subject to volatility; at the same time, market players have amassed unprecedented amounts of ‘dry powder’ capital available to deploy in distressed situations. As we come to terms with the full implications of Brexit and other macro-economic factors, the restructuring market continues to innovate and adapt, frequently finding legal and practical solutions for the most complex cross-border situations.

This third edition of Restructuring and Workouts: Strategies for Maximising Value provides an essential resource, providing legal and practical guidance for restructuring professionals. Fully updated since the last edition in 2013, it includes several entirely new chapters, with in-depth coverage and analysis including:

•overviews of the current market;
•a focus on topical sectors including retail and offshore/shipping;
•analysis of legal regimes in France, the US and Spain;
•examination of key themes such as distressed M&A and the restructuring of pensions obligations; and
•an exclusive retrospective from the architects of the Lehman Brothers restructuring – the case which has done more than any other to shape the restructuring market over the last 10 years.

This comprehensive publication makes required reading for private practice lawyers, insolvency practitioners, financial advisory and turnaround professionals, investment professionals and in-house lawyers alike
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Weitere Infos & Material

Foreword 5
Graham Lane
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

The restructuring and workout environment in Europe 7
Martin Gudgeon
Shirish Joshi
PJT Partners

The World Bank Group: insolvency, restructuring and economic development 17
Olena Koltko
Ronen Nehmad
Mahesh Uttamchandani
World Bank Group

Valuation of distressed businesses 27
Kevin Coates
Craig Rachel
Graeme Smith

Pre-packs at an operational level 51
Mark Shaw

UK defined benefit pension schemes and restructuring situations 73
Luke Hartley
Alex Hutton-Mills
Lincoln Pensions

Cross-border insolvency: solutions to maximise stakeholder value 89
Matthew Mawhinney
David Soden

Creating value in distressed M&A transactions 101
Carlo Bosco

Shipping and offshore restructurings 117
Stephan Chischportich
Matthew Whiting

Retail restructurings 133
Mark Firmin
Richard Fleming
Vanessa Rudder
Alvarez & Marsal

France 147
Alexandra Bigot
Lionel Spizzichino
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP

Spain 177
Ignacio Buil Aldana
Sandra Gómez San Esteban
Javier Segura Valero

United States 207
John C Longmire
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP
Christopher S Koenig
Kirkland & Ellis LLP

The Lehman bankruptcy 219
Russell Downs

About the authors 231
Index 241

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