Lewis / Turner / Sambells | Beginning Google Maps Applications with Rails and Ajax | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Englisch, 365 Seiten, eBook

Lewis / Turner / Sambells Beginning Google Maps Applications with Rails and Ajax

From Novice to Professional

E-Book, Englisch, 365 Seiten, eBook

ISBN: 978-1-4302-0380-3
Verlag: APRESS
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

The Google Maps API is a showcase example of the Web 2.0 development paradigm, designed to be invitingly simple for developers to incorporate dynamic mapping services into Web applications. Beginning Google Maps Applications with Rails and Ajax takes a developer’s perspective, showing how to integrate mapping features into their Rails-driven Web applications. The book shows how to draw on data sources such as the U.S. Census Bureau’s TIGER/Line data and Google's own geocoding feature to build comprehensive geocoding services. The book includes guided examples demonstrating how to encourage user interaction such as pinpointing map locations, adding comments, and building community-driven maps.
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Andre Lewis has been working with technology for the last nine years. His experience ranges from large-scale enterprise consulting with Accenture to startup ventures and open source projects. During "Web 1.0," Andre helped architect coolboard.com, one of the top 50 trafficked Internet sites in 2000. He currently runs his own business, developing Ruby on Rails applications and consulting on Web 2.0 technologies. He also runs hotspotr.com, a community-driven site for WiFi cafes. He blogs about technology, work, and general interests at http://earthcode.com. From time to time, Andre gives presentations to San Francisco-area technology groups, including SDForum and the SF Ruby meetup. Andre lives and works in San Francisco, California. When he's not working with clients or exploring the latest technologies, he likes to mountain bike, camp, and ride his motorcycle.

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