Luxat | Advances in Nuclear Safety Analysis Methodology | Buch | 978-0-08-102365-5 |

Buch, Englisch, 608 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm


Advances in Nuclear Safety Analysis Methodology

Buch, Englisch, 608 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-0-08-102365-5
Verlag: Elsevier Science

Advances in Nuclear Safety Analysis Methodology provides a unique exposition on leading-edge safety analysis techniques applied in nuclear reactor licensing. Chapters discuss accidents with major significance to nuclear safety, governing safety design objectives, analysis methods used to quantify the behavior of the reactor, and associated safety-related systems. After sections on both Design Basis Accidents (DBA) and Beyond Design Basis Accidents (BDBA), the equally important topic of analysis relevant to accident management and emergency response is also addressed. This book will provide researchers, safety analysis and nuclear operational staff with a practical, highly authoritative and consolidated guide on the state-of-the-art.
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<p>Primary: Scientists and engineers in academia and industry working on nuclear power plant safety;</p> <p>Graduate students or senior level undergraduate students at universities with nuclear engineering programs and their teachers;</p> <p>Specialists working for nuclear regulatory bodies of technical safety organisations.</p> <p>Secondary: Technical staff at nuclear power utilities who need to upgrade their knowledge and skills in modern nuclear safety analysis.</p>


Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction/Overview

SECTION 1: ANALYSIS OF DESIGN BASIS ACCIDENTS2. Review of International Best Estimate and Uncertainty Analysis Methodologies3. Analysis of Loss of Coolant Accidents in PWR to support limiting LOCA accident redefinition and safety margins4. Analysis of Reactivity Initiated Accidents (RIA) in LWR to quantify margins to coolable core geometry5. Analysis of Steam Line Break accidents in LWR6. Analysis of Loss of Coolant Accidents with ECCS impairments in PHWR reactors7. Coupled physics and thermal hydraulic analysis using TRACE/PARCS computer codes

SECTION 2: ANALYSIS OF BEYOND DESIGN BASIS ACCIDENTS8. Analysis of Station Blackout (SBO) sequences in LWR and PHWR leading to core cooling degradation9. High Temperature materials behaviour and uncertainties during core degradation in LWR and PHWR severe accidents10. Analysis of hydrogen generation, transport and combustion phenomena in severe accidents11. Analysis of fission product release and transport phenomena from degraded cores and molten corium pools12. Analysis of containment integrity under thermal hydraulic and hydrogen combustion loadings13. Level 2 Probabilistic Safety Analysis of Severe Accidents.

SECTION 3: SUPPORTING ACCIDENT MANAGEMENT AND EMERGENCY RESPONSE14. Level 3 Probabilistic Safety Analysis of off-site fission product release to the environment during severe accidents15. Assessment of the effectiveness of Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG) in PWR, BWR and PHWR reactors

Luxat, John
Dr. Luxat has been the Senior Chair in Nuclear Safety Analysis in the Department of Engineering Physics at McMaster University since 2004. Prior to joining McMaster he spent 32 years in industry working at Ontario Hydro/Ontario Power Generation in nuclear safety analysis, thermal hydraulics and reactor physics. Dr. Luxat is a fellow of the Canadian Academy of Engineering, a member of the International Nuclear Energy Academy, a member of the Board of the American Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (AASMiRT), and a member of the Advisory Board of the International Association for Structural Mechanics in Reactor Technology (IASMiRT).

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