Maguire / Schnurbush | Annual Editions: Drugs, Society, and Behavior, 30/E | Buch | 978-1-259-35080-1 |

Buch, Englisch, 256 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 272 mm, Gewicht: 522 g

Reihe: Annual Editions

Maguire / Schnurbush

Annual Editions: Drugs, Society, and Behavior, 30/E

Buch, Englisch, 256 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 272 mm, Gewicht: 522 g

Reihe: Annual Editions

ISBN: 978-1-259-35080-1

The Annual Editions series is designed to provide convenient, inexpensive access to a wide range of current articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. Annual Editions are updated on a regular basis through a continuous monitoring of over 300 periodical sources. The articles selected are authored by prominent scholars, researchers, and commentators writing for a general audience. Each Annual Editions volume has a number of features designed to make them especially valuable for classroom use: an annotated Table of Contents, a Topic Guide, an annotated listing of supporting websites, Learning Outcomes and a brief overview for each unit, and Critical Thinking questions at the end of each article. Go to the McGraw-Hill Create™ Annual Editions Article Collection at to browse the entire collection. Select individual Annual Editions articles to enhance your course, or access and select the entire Maguire/Schnurbush: Annual Editions: Drugs, Society, and Behavior, 30/e ExpressBook for an easy, pre-built teaching resource by clicking here.
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Weitere Infos & Material

UNIT: Living with DrugsHistory of Alcohol and Drinking around the World, David J. Hanson, Preventing Alcohol Abuse: Alcohol, Culture, and Control, 1995
Alcohol use by humans, probably tens of thousands of years old, has both comforted and plagued almost every society. In this discussion author David Hanson describes the drug's journey through time.Drug Markets During the Katrina Disaster, Eloise Dunlap and Andrew Golub, Disaster Prevention Management, 2011
This article examines the experiences of poor drug users and sellers who remained in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and identifies their special needs and the unique challenges they present to disaster management.New Abuse-Deterrent Painkiller Approved, Stephanie Smith, CNN, 2014
In order to reduce both abuse and drug overdose deaths, the Food and Drug Administration approved a drug called Targiniq ER, which combines the painkiller oxycodone and the overdose reversal medication naloxone.OxyContin Maker Closely Guards Its List of Suspect Doctors, Scott Glover and Lisa Girion, Los Angeles Times, 2013
The manufacturer of OxyContin refuses to share prescribing data with the government, in spite of wide spread abuse.Tackling Top Teen Problem--Prescription Drugs, George Lauby and Kamie Wheelock, North Platte Bulletin, 2009
The illegal use of prescription drugs looms larger than problem drinking or marijuana use. This article examines the lives of a group of teens who currently use prescription drugs.A Glut of Antidepressants, Roni Caryn Rabin, The New York Times, 2013
The use of antidepressants is skyrocketing, with serious results.Scientists Are High on Idea That Marijuana Reduces Memory Impairment, Emily Caldwell, Ohio State University Research Publications, 2008
Certain compounds in marijuana may be beneficial to the aging brain and may delay or prevent Alzheimer’s disease.UNIT: Understanding How Drugs Works—Use, Dependency, and AddictionPrescription Drug Diversion, Amelia M. Arria, FDCH Congressional Testimony, 2011
This congressional testimony highlights the dangers and growing problem of prescription drug use among American youth, college age and younger. The author links prescription drug abuse to other illicit drug use and high risk behavior.Maternal Risk Factors for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Not As Simple As It Might Seem, Philip A. May and J. Phillip Gossage, Alcohol Research and Health, 2011
There has been some confusion about the dangers of drinking during pregnancy. This study explains the multifaceted considerations of drinking while pregnant and why there is no easy answer. Factors related to danger of alcohol use during pregnancy include quantity, frequency, timing of use of alcohol, maternal age, number of previous pregnancies along with additional factors.Examination of Over-the-Counter Drug Misuse Among Youth, Erin J. Farley and Daniel J. O'Connell, Sociation Today, 2010
Over-the-counter drug misuse by adolescents is on the rise. This article examines the prevalence of over-the counter drug misuse by adolescents and the relationship between OTC drug misuse and misuse of other substances.Why Using Meds for 'Neuroenhancement' Is a Scary Thought, Christopher Lane, Phi Kappa Phi Forum, 2010
Are ADHD medications just for those with ADHD? Perhaps so, but the need for a competitive edge in many American universities is leading college students and some high school students to turn to medications that enhance their ability to focus and concentrate and stay alert for longer periods of time. This article discusses the risks related to the non-prescription use of medications to enhance short-term cognitive functioning.Drug Addiction May Be Hereditary, Study Suggests, Steve Connor, The Independent, 2012
A study funded by the Medical Research Council found a significant genetic link to drug addiction. This study supports the idea that addiction is not a problem of personal character, but rather is a problem with a person’s brain. It confirms that addiction is more likely in people for whom family members have a history of addiction. These findings speak to new methods of treatment for addicted individuals.The Real Limitless Drug Isn’t Just for Lifehackers Anymore: Modafinil’s Moment, Robert Kolker, New York Magazine, 2013
The movie, Limitless, featured a fictional pill thought to be based on the real life version of Provigil, originally marketed for narcolepsy. Provigil’s chemical compound is Modafinil, which became known as a “smart drug” among those who needed sustained levels of focused concentration and productivity. Although Modafinil is not supposed to be addictive, some users report difficulty discontinuing use. The FDA is unaware of side effects associated with long-term use of this drug.UNIT: The Major Drugs of Use and Abuse'Bath Salt' Poisonings Rise as Legislative Ban Tied Up, Donna Leinwand Leger, USA Today, 2012
Sold under the names Ivory Wave, Bliss, Hurricane Charlie, and White Lightning, these drugs are not yet regulated by the Drug Enforcement Administration, but they are coming to the attention of Federal Authorities as calls to emergency rooms and law enforcement increase. This article discusses the chemical compound and patterns of use of this drug fast becoming a community problem.Inhalant Abuse, National Institutes of Health/National Institute on Drug Abuse, National Institute on Drug Abuse Research Report, 2012
Evidence suggests that a number of inhalants have a similar effect on the central nervous system as alcohol and other sedatives, but inhalants are much more readily available to young people. Shoe shine spray, gases, solvents, and aerosols are all popular options for what is commonly known as “huffing.” This report provides a thorough overview of the current state of inhalant use in the United States.The Science of Doping, Christie Aschwanden, Smithsonian, 2012
There is a growing public attention on doping in athletics. Given the concern that use of anabolic steroids and hormones is on the rise in youth aiming for a professional athletic career, it is important to understand this drug use. This article thoroughly examines methods and types of doping as well as the role of independent testing agencies.Monitoring the Future: National Results on Adolescent Drug Use, Overview of Key Findings 2011, Lloyd D. Johnston et al., University of Michigan, Institute for Social Research, 2012
Monitoring the Future is a long-term study that examines substance use of people ranging in age from adolescent to 50 years old. This report is a comprehensive discussion of substance use and abuse patterns in 2011.Transcending the Medical Frontiers: Exploring the Future of Psychedelic Drug Research, David Jay Brown, Accelor8or, 2011
There has been a renewed scientific interest in the pharmacology of psychedelics. This article points to the recent research and discusses the benefits of psychedelics as a class of drugs.UNIT: Other Trends in Drug UseTweaking and Tweeting: Exploring Twitter for Nonmedical Use of a Psychostimulant Drug (Adderall) Among College Students, Carl L. Hanson, et al., Journal of Medical Internet Research, 2013
This study used social media, Twitter, to understand patterns of Adderall use in University students. Between November 2011 and May 2012, Adderall was mentioned in 213,613 tweets. Qualitatively examining tweets found that Adderall use was more common in the northeast and southern regions of the United States. Just under 10% reported supplementing Adderall with an additional substance. The study reflected the expected pattern of Adderall use peaking during high exam periods (December and May) and during the middle of the week.Rock Bottom: Police Battle New Illicit Drug Dubbed 'Gravel', Rain Smith, Times News, 2013
A new drug that rivals Bath Salts has emerged in some regions of the United States. Costing between $80 and $200 a gram, Gravel is thought to be more dangerous than Bath Salts due to its propensity to be mixed with unknown substances and the extreme paranoia it causes in users. Some users report to feel no pain while using Gravel, and police report responding to near life threatening or fatal encounters with users.Alcoholism Isn’t What It Used to Be, NIAAA Staff, NIAA Spectrum, 2012
According to the National Institute of Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse, there are serious new questions about alcoholism and alcohol abuse.Diagnosis: Human, Ted Gup, The New York Times, 2013
One family's story of ADHD and the tragic results of treatment.Why I Changed My Mind on Weed, Sanjay Gupta, CNN, 2013
A noted physician has changed his mind about medical marijuana.UNIT: Measuring the Social Costs of DrugsSevere Illness Associated with Reported Use of Synthetic Marijuana--Colorado, Tista Ghosh, et al., Mortality and Morbidity Weekly Report, 2013
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) was notified of an increase in the number of patients visiting their emergency departments (Eds) with altered mental status after using synthetic mar
ijuana. This report explains what synthetic marijuana is and presents a brief snapshot of this emerging problem facing emergency departments.Cannabis: Colorado's Budding Industry, Jenny Kleeman, The Guardian, 2013
Colorado has legalized marijuana for recreational use. What are the changes that are happening because of this?When Booze Comes Off the Battlefield, Steve Griffin, The New York Times, 2012
An Army Officer discusses the issue of alcohol use and abuse in the military.Did Cocaine Use by Bankers Cause the Global Financial Crisis? Geraint Anderson, The Guardian, 2013
Did cocaine use by investment bankers result in the biggest recession since the Great Depression?Secret U.S. Drug Agency Unit Passing Surveillance Information to Authorities, John Shiffman and Kristina Cooke, Thomson Rueters, 2013
The U.S. government has used sophisticated surveillance techniques developed for the War on Terror to investigate and arrest drug suspects.UNIT: Creating and Sustaining Effective Drug Control PolicyHawaii’s Radical Drug Use Experiment, Kevin Sabet, LA Progressive, 2014
Applying the known principles human behavior, Judge Steve Alm from a Hawaiian Circuit Court has achieved strong reductions in recidivism from drug addicted probationers. In keeping with Beccaria’s theory of deterrence, Judge Alm found that in instituting consistently, swift, certain and moderate sanctions, positive drug tests and missed appointments fell by 80%.Strengthen Efforts to Prevent Drug Abuse in Our Communities, R. Gil Kerlikowske, 2013
The 2011 National Survey on Drug Use and Health estimated that close to 23 million Americans over the age of 12 were current or past drug users. The Obama Administration’s National Control Drug Control Strategy outlines the Federal initiatives meant to increase efforts to prevent substance abuse at the community level. This first chapter of the 2013 report to Congress highlights the Administration’s prevention strategies.Company Denies Drug to Dying Child, Elizabeth Cohen, CNN, 2014
A dying baby and an experimental drug. What happens when the only drug that could save a dying person isn't approved by the FDA?Do the United States and Mexico Really Want the Drug War to Succeed? Robert Joe Stout, Monthly Review, 2012
The United States and Mexico both have long histories of drug policy that precede the current state of violence and drug trafficking between the two countries. This article puts the current narco-war waging at the United States-Mexico border in historical context and discusses the implications of legalization or harsher drug policy.Engaging Communities to Prevent Underage Drinking, Abigail A. Fagan, J. David Hawkins, and Richard F. Catalano, Alcohol Research and Health, 2011
What makes the greatest impact for reduction of under-age drinking? There are many community programs to reduce drunk driving and underage substance use. This article examines the most salient and robust factors in community level interventions for preventing underage drinking.Do No Harm: Sensible Goals for International Drug Policy, Peter Reuter, The American Interest, 2009
This article discusses the problems nations—specifically the United States—encounter in the pursuit of a sensible and diplomatic drug policy.Turning the Tide on Drug Reform, Kristen Gwynne, The Nation, 2013.
With legislation to legalize marijuana on several ballots, is the public changing their perception on drug use? This article discusses recent drug laws and reforms as well as the drug policies of the Obama Administration. Will marijuana be legal in all states someday?Legalize Drugs—All of Them! Vanessa Baird, New Internationalist, 2012
With an international context, this article presents the differences between decriminalization and legalization. Implications for legalization of drugs are discussed.America's New Drug Policy Landscape, Carroll Doherty, Juliana Menasce Horowitz, and Rob Suls, Pew Research Internet, 2014
The Pew Research Center used a sample of 3,338 adults from all 50 states to determine how Americans view drug use and drug policy. In reporting opinions on a variety of drugs and alcohol across ethnicities, the report finds that Americans are tiring of the War on Drugs, with 67% favoring treatment rather than incarceration.UNIT: Prevention, Treatment, and EducationOld Habits Die Hard for Ageing Addicts, Matthew Ford, The Guardian, 2011
The Netherlands, as part of their harm reduction philosophy, has established retirement homes for aging drug addicts.A Shot in the Dark: Can Vivitrol Help Us Control Our Addictions? Walter Armstrong, Pacific Standard, 2013
Vivitrol, the new injectable version of an old drug, Naltrexone, is proving to be effective for stopping opiate cravings and blunting the experience of a drug if taken while on Vivitrol. To a lesser degree this monthly injectable also stops alcohol cravings. While Vivitrol might not be a magic bullet for everyone, clinical trials illustrate a high potential to make the life of recovery more manageable.California Prisons Spend Big on Anti-Psychotic Drugs, Don Thompson, The Fresno Bee, 2013
One of the biggest expenses for the California correctional system is psychiatric medication.FedEx Indicted on New Criminal Charges in Online Pharmacy Case, Dan Levine, Reuters, 2014
FedEx Corporation faces charges of conspiracy to commit money laundering due to delivering rogue online pharmacy packages despite warnings from law enforcement.Research Update on Family Drug Courts, Douglas B. Marlowe and Shannon M. Carey, National Association of Drug Court Professionals, 2012
Between 60%-80% of substantiated child abuse and neglect cases involve substance abuse by a custodial parent or guardian. This article explores this phenomenon and provides results of parents who complete substance abuse treatment versus their counterparts as it relates to child custody.The Needle and the Damage Done: The Case for the Self-Destructing Syringe, Sarah Boseley, The Guardian, 2011
Each year, 1.3 million people die because of contaminated syringes. Self-destructing syringes can eliminate the problem economically.Epidemic: Responding to America's Prescription Drug Abuse Crisis, Executive Office of the President of the United States, Presidential Speech, 2011
Prescription drug abuse is the nation's fastest growing epidemic. This report examines data from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) and outlines various ways the United States can come to grips with the prescription drug abuse epidemic.

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