Mallgrave / Goodman | An Introduction to Architectural Theory | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 288 Seiten, E-Book

Mallgrave / Goodman An Introduction to Architectural Theory

1968 to the Present

E-Book, Englisch, 288 Seiten, E-Book

ISBN: 978-1-4443-9597-6
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

A sharp and lively text that covers issues in depth but not to thepoint that they become inaccessible to beginning students, AnIntroduction to Architectural Theory is the firstnarrative history of this period, charting the veritable revolutionin architectural thinking that has taken place, as well as theimplications of this intellectual upheaval.
* The first comprehensive and critical history of architecturaltheory over the last fifty years
* surveys the intellectual history of architecture since 1968,including criticisms of high modernism, the rise of postmodern andpoststructural theory, critical regionalism and tectonics
* Offers a comprehensive overview of the significant changes thatarchitectural thinking has undergone in the past fifteen years
* Includes an analysis of where architecture stands and where itwill likely move in the coming years
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Weitere Infos & Material

List of Illustrations viii
Prelude: The 1960s 1
Technology and Ecology 3
Social Underpinnings of Modernism 6
1968 11
Part One: 1970s 15
1 Pars Destruens: 1968-1973 17
Venturi and Scott Brown 18
Rossi and Tafuri 23
The Milan Triennale 27
The IAUS and the New York Five 30
2 The Crisis of Meaning 37
Semiotics and Architecture 39
Five on Five 43
Gray and White 45
Variations on a Theme 48
3 Early Postmodernism 53
The Language of Postmodernism 54
Consummation in Venice 57
European Counterpoints 59
4 Modernism Abides 65
The Chicago High-Rise 65
German Engineering 70
British Renaissance 74
Post-Metabolism in Japan 79
The Special Case of Alexander 85
Part Two: 1980s 89
5 Postmodernism and Critical Regionalism 91
Postmodernism Further Defined 91
Postmodernism Opposed 94
Critical Regionalism and Phenomenology 97
Mérida and Venice 102
6 Traditionalism and New Urbanism 108
The Prince of Architecture 108
The Paternoster Controversy 111
Toward a New Urbanism 115
7 Gilded Age of Theory 123
Poststructural Theory 123
Poststructural Architecture 129
Eisenman and Tschumi 131
8 Deconstruction 141
Postmodernism Undefined 142
Gehry 146
The 68ers Come of Age 149
"... a devious architecture ..." 154
Part Three: 1990s and Present 159
9 Wake of the Storm 161
Fragments of Fragments 161
From Derrida to Deleuze 164
Geometry and Autonomy 167
The End of the Figure: Manipulated Grounds 171
Form without Rhetoric 174
10 Pragmatism and Post-Criticality 177
OMA 177
The Orange Revolution 185
Post-Criticality 192
11 Minimalisms 194
Materiality and Effects 195
Neo-modernism 205
Phenomenological Architecture 210
12 Sustainability and Beyond 215
The Green Movement 217
McDonough and Yeang 218
Green Urbanism 223
Biophilic Design 226
Neuroaesthetics 229
Notes 231
Acknowledgments 265
Index 266

Harry Francis Mallgrave is Professor of Architecture atIllinois Institute of Technology, and has enjoyed a distinguishedcareer as an award-winning scholar, translator, and architect. Hismost recent publications include The Architect's Brain(Wiley-Blackwell 2010), Modern Architectural Theory: AHistorical Survey, 1673-1968, Architectural Theory Volume I:An Anthology from Vitruvius to 1870 (Wiley-Blackwell 2005) and,with co-editor Christina Contandriopoulos, Architectural TheoryVolume II: An Anthology from 1871 to 2005 (Wiley-Blackwell2008).
David Goodman is Studio Assistant Professor ofArchitecture at Illinois Institute of Technology and isco-principal of R+D Studio. He has also taught architecture atHarvard University's Graduate School of Design, and BostonArchitectural College. His work has appeared in the journalLog, in the anthology Chicago Architecture: Histories,Revisions, Alternatives, and in the Northwestern UniversityPress publication Walter Netsch: A Critical Appreciation andSourcebook.

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