Fisch / Mattox | Microsurgery of the Skull Base | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 704 Seiten, PDF, Format (B × H): 230 mm x 310 mm

Fisch / Mattox Microsurgery of the Skull Base

E-Book, Englisch, 704 Seiten, PDF, Format (B × H): 230 mm x 310 mm

ISBN: 978-3-13-177561-0
Verlag: Thieme
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Wasserzeichen (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Drawing on decades of experience and wisdom, Dr. Ugo Fisch created this classic text/atlas on microsurgical procedures for the skull base. The authors have labored not to popularize skull base surgery, but to provide the details of each operation, giving surgeons the valuable information they need.

Each chapter of the text discusses a specific procedure and is divided into two sections, covering both the general surgical steps of the procedure and also its application. Within each chapter you'll find: general considerations; surgical techniques; applications; tips and pratfalls; imaging scans of illustrative cases; and color plates of pre- and post-operative preparation and instrumentation. The final two chapters discuss anesthesia issues and the impact of neuroradiology on skull base surgery. All of the cases used in the book reflect actual procedures, not hypothetical situations.

All neurosurgeons and otolaryngologists involved in skull base surgery will benefit from having this classic text in their professional library. It demonstrates the procedures that have proven to be both safe and reliable through the years.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1 Subtotal Petrosectomy
Part 1 General Considerations
Part 2 Surgical Technique
Part 3 Applications
Part 4 Tips and Pitfalls
Part 5 Imaging of Illustrative Cases
Part 6 Color Plates
Chapter 2 Transotic Approach to the Cerebellopontine Angle
Part 1 General Considerations
Part 2 Surgical Technique
Part 3 Applications
Part 4 Tips and Pitfalls
Part 5 Imaging of Illustrative Cases
Part 6 Color Plates
Chapter 3 Infratemporal Fossa Approach Type A
Part 1 General Considerations
Part 2 Surgical Technique
Part 3 Applications and Adjunctive Procedures
Part 4 Tips and Pitfalls
Part 5 Imaging of Illustrative Cases
Part 6 Color Plates
Chapter 4 Infratemporal Fossa Approach Type B
Part 1 General Considerations
Part 2 Surgical Anatomy
Part 3 Surgical Technique
Part 4 Applications
Part 5 Tips and Pitfalls
Part 6 Imaging of Illustrative Cases
Part 7 Color Plates
Chapter 5 Infratemporal Fossa Approach Type C
Part 1 General Considerations
Part 2 Surgical Anatomy
Part 3 Surgical Technique
Part 4 Applications
Part 5 Tips and Pitfalls
Part 6 Imaging of Illustrative Cases
Part 7 Color Plates
Chapter 6 Transtemporal Supralabyrinthine Approach
Part 1 General Considerations
Part 2 Surgical Anatomy
Part 3 Surgical Technique
Part 4 Applications
Part 5 Tips and Pitfalls
Part 6 Imaging of Illustrative Cases
Part 7 Color Plates
Chapter 7 Translabyrinthine Approach
Part 1 General Considerations
Part 2 Surgical Technique
Part 3 Applications and Adjunctive Procedures
Part 4 Tips and Pitfalls
Part 5 Imaging of Illustrative Cases
Part 6 Color Plates
Chapter 8 Petrosectomy and Radical Dissection of Retromandibular Fossa
Part 1 General Considerations
Part 2 Surgical Anatomy
Part 3 Surgical Technique
Part 4 Tips and Pitfalls
Part 5 Imaging of Illustrative Cases
Part 6 Color Plates
Chapter 9 Anesthesia for Surgery of the Skull Base
Chapter 10 Interventional Neuroradiology of Skull Base Tumors

Ugo Fisch, Douglas Mattox

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