McFedries | Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 266 Seiten, E-Book

McFedries Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets

E-Book, Englisch, 266 Seiten, E-Book

ISBN: 978-0-470-90843-3
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Maximize your fun and boost your productivity with this updated,full-color guide to tantalizing Twitter tips!
The popularity of Twitter continues to soar, and is fastbecoming the most popular social networking site online. Whetheryou're looking to learn how to set up an account for the first timeor are on the prowl for some cool third-party Twitter apps, thisfull-color guide will boost your entire Twitter experience.
Allowing you to communicate with fellow Twitters within a140-character limit, this fun and fascinating social networkingtool is easier than maintaining a blog and quicker than sending ane-mail or text. With these tips, tricks, and tweets, you'll stay inthe know and up to date on anything and everything you findinteresting.
* Explores the newest Twitter features, including the newre-tweet feature, which adds a re-tweet button to each tweet on aperson's timeline, much like the sites current "reply" button
* Discusses Twitter's new search widget, which is moresophisticated and precise
* Shows how to use the just-announced Geolocation API, which addslocation-based information to tweets
* Explains how to tweet from mobile devices
* Shows how to add Twitter to a blog or to other socialnetworking sites such as Facebook
* Offers ideas for using Twitter in business as well as forpersonal contacts
* Covers Twitter terminology and provides helpful tips and tricksfor expanding Twitter's usefulness through third-partyapplications
Explore the possibilities of Twitter and discover what the buzzis all about with this tremendously terrific guide to Twitter!
McFedries Twitter Tips, Tricks, and Tweets jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1: How Do I Get Started with Twitter?
Chapter 2: What Can I Do to Customize My Twitter Profile?
Chapter 3: How Do I Send Tweets?
Chapter 4: How Do I Follow Other Twitter Users?
Chapter 5: Can I Use Twitter on My Mobile Phone?
Chapter 6: How Do I Find Stuff in Twitter?
Chapter 7: Where Can I Display My Twitter Feed?
Chapter 8: How Can I Take Twitter to the Next Level?
Chapter 9: What Tools Can I Use to Extend Twitter?

paul_mcfedries (@paulmcf) is a technical writer and programmer. He has written more than 70 books that have sold more than 3 million copies worldwide.

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