Miller | Steve Miller's Slimming Secrets | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 300 Seiten, EPUB

Miller Steve Miller's Slimming Secrets

E-Book, Englisch, 300 Seiten, EPUB

ISBN: 978-1-85782-707-1
Verlag: John Blake
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

At last, weight-loss expect Steve Miller, presenter of Sky TV's popular Fat Families show, reveals his slimming secrets to the nation! Are you tired of faddy diets and weight-loss schemes that don't work? Don't despair! Steve Miller is here to show you that losing weight doesn't have to be an uphill struggle - it can be simple and exciting instead. Drawing on his own experience, Steve introduces you to his easy methods of how to lose weight through lifestyle change. Importantly, this blueprint for living will ensure that not only will you shed the pounds but that you will keep them off too. This no-nonsense, straight-talking book guides you through a number of slimming secrets, showing you how to: * Identify your personal motive for losing weight* Change your mindset to enable you to resist temptation* Adopt the 80/20 rule: eat well 80% of the time and you can still have treats 20% of the time.* Develop the habits of a successful slimmer It also gives basic nutrition, easy meal planning and simple cooking - inlcuding meals for all the family. Now there's no excuse not to lose weight and keep it off for good!
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