Moilanen / Rainisto | How to Brand Nations, Cities and Destinations | Buch | 978-0-230-22092-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 202 Seiten, Format (B × H): 163 mm x 238 mm, Gewicht: 480 g

Moilanen / Rainisto

How to Brand Nations, Cities and Destinations

A Planning Book for Place Branding

Buch, Englisch, 202 Seiten, Format (B × H): 163 mm x 238 mm, Gewicht: 480 g

ISBN: 978-0-230-22092-8
Verlag: Palgrave MacMillan Us

Usually, a country brand is not focused, resulting in unsuccessful place branding. It is possible to successfully raise your national identity to the level of an attractive brand. Building a country brand is an investment, with strong positive returns. This book will guide you along the path to building a successful brand.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction PART I: THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK FOR DEVELOPING A PLACE-BRAND What is a Brand? Importance of a Place-Brand and Benefits of a Brand A Brand Theoretical Basics of Thinking How is A Brand Created? Challenges in Building a Place-Brand Success Factors of Place Marketing PART II: THE PROCESS OF BUILDING A COUNTRY-BRAND AND THE CORNERSTONES OF SUCCESS Case Norway Case Australia Case Scotland Other Experiences in Country-Branding Projects Summary PART III: CITY AND DESTINATION BRANDING Copenhagen: A City Branding Case from Northern Europe Chicago: A City Branding Case from the U.S. Comparison between the U.S. and Northern European Branding Tourism Destination Branding Case Studies of World's Premiere Ski Destination Brands PART IV: OPERATIONAL PLAN Country Brand: Operational Plan in Stages Country Brand: Summary of the Operational Plan Country Brand: Financing Country Brand: Timetable Destination Brand: Operation Plan in Stages Destination Brand: Summary of the Operational Plan

TEEMU MOILANEN is a place branding specialist. He has performed several international research and development projects in place branding in national -, city- and tourism resort levels. He has been nominated as the leading specialist in the field by ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Finnish Tourist Board, and is currently working as an Advisor and key author of the 'Development programme of the Nation Brand of Finland', issued by the government of Finland. Moilanen has extensive experience in tourism destination branding and development in several countries in the world, and during more than a decade has been involved in developing strategic Master Plans of several leading tourism destinations. Moilanen is also a seasoned speaker in seminars and international conferences related to destination branding. Currently Moilanen is the Chairman of the Board and Principal Lecturer of the first and largest Master level programme of Hospitality Management in Finland, at HAAGA-HELIAUniversity of Applied Sciences, and works as the CEO of Imagian Ltd, a consultancy company specializing in Place Branding.

SEPPO RAINISTO is recognized as a leading specialist in place marketing and branding, now chairman of Meritleader Int. His study Success Factors of Place Marketing (2003) was probably the first doctoral dissertation in the field. Rainisto advises numerous cities, regions and communities on place branding. He has been a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Place Branding and Public Diplomacy (London) and of the Advisory Board of the same named Association (Berlin). Rainisto has worked for Finland Promotion Board to prepare a national branding program. Rainisto's knowledge of brand marketing is based on more than 30 years of private sector management experience with famous international corporations and brands. He has worked for 10 years in university research and management, and produced several books, articles and scientificpapers.

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