Morri / Mazza | Property Finance | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 288 Seiten, E-Book

Reihe: Wiley Finance

Morri / Mazza Property Finance

An International Approach

E-Book, Englisch, 288 Seiten, E-Book

Reihe: Wiley Finance

ISBN: 978-1-118-76438-1
Verlag: John Wiley & Sons
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

A unique, international approach to optimal real estatefinancing
Property Finance is an authoritative guide to both thefinancial and legal issues surrounding real estate financing.Unique in its exclusive focus on the topic, this book builds from asolid theoretical foundation to provide practical tools andreal-world solutions. Beginning with a discussion of the generalissues encountered in real estate finance from an internationalperspective, the authors delve into country-specific informationand set out the legal peculiarities of eight important countries(Germany, France, Italy, Spain, China, India, England and Wales) byasking questions of relevance to the leading local law firmsspecializing in real estate financing. The reader may thus considerin greater depth the problems relating to any given country andcompare and contrast the positions under different legalsystems.
Examples with numerical calculations and contract excerptsenhance the explanations presented, and are immediately followed bypractical case studies that illustrate the mechanisms at work. Thecompanion website features downloadable spreadsheets used in theexamples, power point presentations, as well as real estate newsand more.
Property financing entails many sources of capital, includingboth debt and equity resources as well as hybrid forms likepreferred equity and mezzanine debt. Knowing how to work with theseavenues is important to ensuring financial sustainability in realestate assets. Property Finance covers the most commonissues encountered, helping readers prepare for and find a wayaround possible roadblocks.
* Consider the issues surrounding real estate lending at aninternational level
* Compare and contrast the positions under different legalsystems
* Develop an international perspective on cash flows andfinancing agreements
* Use powerful tools to structure financing and gauge its effectson property financing
The success of a real estate investment is dependent uponoptimal financing, and a mere bird's eye view of the topic does notfully prepare investors for issues ahead: Property Financeprovides a knowledge-based approach to real estate investment,detailed information and powerful tools.
Morri / Mazza Property Finance jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

GIACOMO MORRI, Ph.D., MRICS, is Senior Professor in theAccounting, Control, Corporate Finance and Real Estate Departmentat SDA Bocconi School of Management and Lecturer in Real EstateFinance at Bocconi University. He is Past-president and BoardMember of the European Real Estate Society. He also sits on theboard of several real estate companies and works as freelanceadvisor.
ANTONIO MAZZA is Teaching Fellow at SDA Bocconi School ofManagement. He has been working for almost 25 years in the realestate market for both Italian and foreign banks and he iscurrently General Manager of "Aareal Bank AG" Italy and boardmember of several Italian companies within the "Aareal Group". Heis Professional Member of the Royal Institution of CharteredSurveyors and a member of several Italian BankingAssociation.

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