Nesterenko / Jones / Paull | High Performance Chelation Ion Chromatography | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 316 Seiten, Web PDF

Reihe: ISSN

Nesterenko / Jones / Paull High Performance Chelation Ion Chromatography

E-Book, Englisch, 316 Seiten, Web PDF

Reihe: ISSN

ISBN: 978-1-84973-231-4
Verlag: Royal Society of Chemistry
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

Established ion chromatography techniques have changed little since the 1980s but a new technique, high performance chelation ion chromatography (HPCIC), has revolutionized the area. HPCIC enables a much greater range of complex samples to be analyzed and this is the first comprehensive description of its use in the trace determination of metals. Written by world leaders in the field, it is aimed at professionals, postgraduates, chromatographers, analytical chemists, and industrial chemists. The book describes the underlying principles which give rise to the special selectivities that can be chosen for separating specific groups of metals. It also covers the latest research and gives many examples of its application to real samples. The very latest developments in detection techniques are included showing that HPCIC can rival atomic spectroscopic techniques such as ICP-MS. The detailed description of the fundamental principles controlling the separation of trace metals using chelating substrates is unique to this book. It shows how HPCIC differs from the commonly used simple ion exchange techniques and how these chelation characteristics give rise to a much more useful and versatile metal separation system. Readers will also be interested in the analysis of extremely difficult matrices, such as saturated brines, easily achieved by HPCIC but requiring very complex multi column systems using other ion chromatography methods.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction; Separation Mechanism; Chelating stationary phases;Eluents for HPCI; Chition parameters and influence of chelation and ion exchange on the retention and separation of metal ions; Detection; Applicability of HPCIC to analysis; Conclusions

Nesterenko, Pavel
MSc PhD DrSc MRACI CChem Senior researcher, Leading researcher and Professor in Analytical Chemistry for 20 years at Moscow State University, Russia. Now Professor in Separation Sciences. More info in attached CV. Research interests: Analytical Chemistry: Particularly separation sciences, including high-performance liquid chromatography, ion chromatography, size-exclusion chromatography, chiral chromatography capillary zone electrophoresis and chromatofocusing. Non traditional separation modes based on novel adsorption materials and with novel approaches to separation including multidimensional separations. Design of new adsorption materials for specific purposes including biochemistry and biotechnology.

Jones, Phil
Lecturer/Senior Lecturer in Analytical/Inorganic Chemistry, retired after 26 years. Now Research Fellow at the University of Plymouth Research interests - Development of trace analytical methods and separation science. Main interest since 1980 is the trace determination of metals using novel ion chromatography techniques. Have 96 publications to date, including 3 reviews and 2 book chapters.

Pavel N. Nesterenko is a Professor in Separation Sciences at the University of Tasmania School of Chemistry in Hobart, Australia. Prior to that, he was a researcher and Professor in Analytical Chemistry for twenty years at Moscow State University in Russia. His research interests are in analytical chemistry, particularly the separation sciences. This includes high-performance liquid chromatography, ion chromatography, size-exclusion chromatography, chiral chromatography capillary zone electrophoresis and chromatofocusing. Professor Nesterenko is a member of several scholarly societies and scientific councils. In addition to this he has authored numerous book chapters and journal articles, is the holder of twelve patents, and the winner of four awards. He acts as a referee for a number of academic journals and has organized seven professional meetings. Phil Jones is a Visiting Research Fellow at the University of Plymouth School of Earth, Ocean and Environmental Sciences in the UK, and the Deakin University School of Biological and Chemical Sciences in Victoria, Australia. Prior to his retirement, he was a lecturer in Analytical and Inorganic Chemistry for twenty six years. His research interests include the development of trace analytical methods and separation sciences. Since 1980, his main focus has been the trace determination of metals using novel ion chromatography techniques. He has ninety six publications to his name, including three reviews and two book chapters.Dr Jones is also a member of the Royal Society of Chemistry and the author of numerous journal articles and book chapters. He has also presented at many professional conferences and successfully supervised eighteen PhD students.

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