Park | International Law for Energy and the Environment | Buch | 978-1-032-30759-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 364 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 685 g


International Law for Energy and the Environment

Buch, Englisch, 364 Seiten, Format (B × H): 156 mm x 234 mm, Gewicht: 685 g

ISBN: 978-1-032-30759-6
Verlag: CRC Press

This revised edition of Energy Law and the Environment considers how international and national legislation now requires the energy sector to focus more on sustainability and the circular economy in response to new policies at both international and national levels. It explores how environmental law engages with multinational companies regarding energy sources, ownership of those resources, and state sovereignty. Written for all the players in the energy sector, lawyers and non-lawyers alike, this third edition considers the issues of energy sector regulation related to economics and protection of intellectual property associated with the development of technologies for mitigating environmentally damaging emissions. It has been updated throughout and adds new and fully revised chapters on subjects, including climate change, human rights, renewable energy, and energy law in China.


- Updated throughout and adds new and fully revised chapters

- Focuses on the global trends and mandates towards environmental sustainability

- Examines the latest international legislation involving climate change

- Includes the coverage of oil and gas industries, as well as nuclear and renewable energy
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Academic and Professional Reference


Weitere Infos & Material

SECTION I 1. Introduction to International Law. 2. Regulation, Energy Resources, and the Environment. 3. International Law and State Sovereignty. 4. Trade, Competition, and the Environment. 5. Climate Change and the Energy Sector. SECTION II 6. International Law on Oil and Gas. 7. International Regulation of the Nuclear Industry. 8. International Regulation of Renewable Energy Sources. SECTION III 9. Energy Law in the United States. 10. Energy Law in the European Union. 11. Energy Law in the United Kingdom. 12. Energy Law in India. 13. Energy Law in Australia. 14. Energy Law in China. Conclusions.

Dr. Patricia Park is Professor Emeritus at Solent University, Southampton, United Kingdom. She was previously head of the Law Research Centre for 12 years. Patricia has carried out research for international oil companies, the United Kingdom and German governments and specialises in the regulation of industry, in particular, the energy sector. She has worked and carried out research in the United States, Sweden, Norway, Germany, Belgium, and India. She is a Fellow of the Energy Institute and a member of the International Bar Association. She was appointed as an original member of the Regional Environmental Pollution Advisory Committee to the newly formed Environment Agency in 1996. She was appointed a member of the Commission on Environmental Law of the IUCN in 1995. Patricia has published and lectured extensively in both environmental and energy laws. She was a Magistrate for 25 years.

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