Pathak | Intelligent Manufacturing | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 196 Seiten, eBook

Reihe: Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology

Pathak Intelligent Manufacturing

E-Book, Englisch, 196 Seiten, eBook

Reihe: Materials Forming, Machining and Tribology

ISBN: 978-3-030-50312-3
Verlag: Springer International Publishing
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Wasserzeichen (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

This book sheds light on the development of traditional and advanced optimization methods. Their use in various tradition and non-tradition manufacturing and machining processes for an improved manufacturability is reported. This includes key elements of implementing conventional statistical methods, multi-objective and multi-criteria decision-making methods and evolution of single and multi-target optimization techniques using soft computing to enhance production performance, efficiency and sustainability in manufacturing. The latest research in this area as well as possible avenues of future research are also highlighted.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Optimization using traditional techniques.- Multi-criteria decision making through soft computing and evolutionary techniques.

Dr. Sunil Pathak
is specialized in gear engineering and advanced/hybrid manufacturing processes. He has been working in the field of gear engineering since last 9 years and advanced manufacturing for over 6 years. He has conducted extensive research on advanced finishing of gears. He possesses specialized skills in gear finishing, gear metrology (micro, and macro-geometry) and measurement of gear accuracy. He is also working in developing cold spray coatings as sustainable process for manufacturing of 3D additive manufacturing components and repair/remanufacturing engineering, where he has especially gained experience in materials and remanufacturing engineering. He has developed analytical models of manufacturing processes and optimizing parameters to achieve overall sustainability in manufacturing.

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