Petry / de Jong | Education in Sport and Physical Activity | Buch | 978-0-367-43360-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 260 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 239 mm, Gewicht: 536 g

Petry / de Jong

Education in Sport and Physical Activity

Future Directions and Global Perspectives

Buch, Englisch, 260 Seiten, Format (B × H): 155 mm x 239 mm, Gewicht: 536 g

ISBN: 978-0-367-43360-4
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Sport and physical activity are embedded in our education systems and in wider society. This book takes the broadest possible look at this topic, across every key discipline and on different continents, opening up important new directions for the future development of sport and physical activity education.

The book examines education in sport coaching, sport management, PE teacher training, physical activity and health promotion, and the emerging discipline of outdoor studies, considering how trends such as globalisation, digitalisation, and privatisation are having a profound impact on education programs. It identifies some of the most important societal issues that must be addressed by sport and physical activity educators, including healthy lifestyles, inequality, intercultural aspects, human rights, and emerging technologies, and looks at how sport and physical activity education in Europe, North America, Latin America, Asia, and Australasia is evolving to meet these challenges.

Designed to invite self-reflection, to provoke debate and to open up new cross-disciplinary and international perspectives within sports organisations and higher education institutions, this book is fascinating reading for advanced students, researchers, teachers, and policy makers with an interest in sport and physical activity.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction,  Part I: Current Issues in Sport Education,  1. The Challenge of Doing Coach Education and Development in the 21st Century: Past, Present, and Future Trends,  2. International Sport Management Education: Curricula, Trends, and Challenges,  3. The Need for T-shaped Sport, Physical Activity and Health Professionals,  4. Outdoor Education as a Deep Education for Global Sustainability and Social Justice,  Part II: New Trends in Sport Education,  5. Sport Education from a Global Perspective,  6. The Utility of New Technologies in the Future of Sport Education,  7. Industry Alignment: Fit-For-Purpose Sport Education,  Part III: Education in Sport and Physical Activity around the Globe,  8. European Perspectives on Qualifications in Sport,  9. Sport Development and Delivery in Canada, México, and the United States: Commonalities, Differences, and Future Needs,  10. Education in Sport and Physical Activity Across the Pacific,  11. Education in Sport and Physical Activity: Current Trends, Developments and Challenges in Latin America,  12. Physical Education and School Sport in Eastern Asia,  Part IV: Education in Sport and Physical Activity in a Changing World,  13. Sport, Physical Activity and Health Promotion: Implications for the Education of Future Professionals,  14. Being Active as a Sport or PA Student in an Era of Wearable Technology,  15. Sport, Diversity, and Inequality: Intersecting Challenges and Solutions,  16. Human Rights in Sport Education,  17. Developing Intercultural Sport Educators in Europe: Opportunities, Challenges and Future Directions,  18. Careers of European Athletes: Who is Ultimately Responsible?,  19. Transforming Coach Education for the 21st Century

Karen Petry is Senior Researcher and Deputy Head of the Institute of European Sport Development and Leisure Studies at the German Sport University Cologne and Vice President of the European Network of Sport Education (ENSE). She is responsible for the research activities in Sport Policy, Sport and Society and Sport for Development. In 2011, she received the Alberto-Madella-Award for her outstanding engagement in Sport Education. Karen has published on European and international sport policy, education in sport, sport and development, sport and social work, and sport and gender.

Johan de Jong is Professor of Healthy Lifestyle, Sports & Physical Activity at the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen, Netherlands and Board Member of the European Network of Sport Education (ENSE). Furthermore, he represents Hanze University in the Health Enhancing Physical Activity Europe Network (HEPA) and the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA). His main research objective is to develop and evaluate approaches that stimulate people, from young to old, to become more physically active as part of a healthy lifestyle. Johan has published in different sport, physical activity and health related journals.

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