Plusnin / Zausaeva / Zhidkevich | Wandering Workers | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, Band 141, 300 Seiten, E-Book, Format (B × H): 127 mm x 203 mm

Reihe: Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society

Plusnin / Zausaeva / Zhidkevich Wandering Workers

Mores, Behavior, Way of Life, and Political Status of Domestic Russian Labor Migrants

E-Book, Englisch, Band 141, 300 Seiten, E-Book, Format (B × H): 127 mm x 203 mm

Reihe: Soviet and Post-Soviet Politics and Society

ISBN: 978-3-8382-6713-5
Verlag: ibidem
Format: EPUB
Kopierschutz: Wasserzeichen (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

This timely book offers a fresh perspective on the issue of contemporary migratory labor, otkhodnichestvo, in Russia-the temporary departure of inhabitants from small towns and villages for short-term jobs in the major cities of Russia. Although otkhodnichestvo is a mass phenomenon, it is not reflected in official economic statistics.

Based on numerous interviews with otkhodniks and local experts, this stunningly original work focuses on the central and northern regions of European Russia. The authors draw a social portrait of the contemporary otkhodnik and offer a sociological assessment of the economic and political status these `wandering workers` live with.
Plusnin / Zausaeva / Zhidkevich Wandering Workers jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Juri M. Plusnin is professor at the Department for Public Administration of the National Research University - Higher School of Economics (HSE), Moscow.

Yana D. Zausaeva is an analyst at the Laboratory for Local Administration of the Higher School of Economics, Moscow.

Natalia N. Zhidkevich is an analyst at the Laboratory for Local Administration of the Higher School of Economics, Moscow.

Artemy A. Pozanenko is an analyst at the Laboratory for Local Administration of the Higher School of Economics, Moscow.

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